Articfox wrote:
Iashi wrote:
Compared to everything? Well, "everything" includes the world. Are you really saying that Earth is a "bad, bad place" compared to other planets?
Well its pretty bad off for a planet that harbours life and intelligent beings. Atleast the other planets have an excuse that there desolate wastelands wastelands not able to harbour life at all. I don't care what you say though...100 years, its gonna be bad. At the rate its going, and you know what. Once one thing is fixed its on to the next thing, and the next thing. We killed our own planet face it. Its too late to stop, Earth is like a train goign at full speed down a track with the bridge out up ahead. Its just a matter of time before it crashes and burns.
Iashi wrote:
The environment is not something external that humans interact with. Humans are a subset of the environment.
Doesn't mean they're not destroying it at an alarming rate.
Couldn't agree more. Well sort of...
Iashi, I'm not saying that there is no possible chance whatsoever of the world being in a stable condition or even better than today. Heck, I'm hoping that there'll be less pollution, less violence, less whatever. But you can't back up your claim that the world is so great. And I can't really back up my claim that the world is getting worse.
I like to base my facts on things that happen in and around my environment, the place I live. I can't say the whole world is like that, I'm just using it as an example.The river near my place, The George's River, was once a very clean and safe place to swim. Now, there are "No Swimming" signs everywhere, and plastic bags are more common than the jellyfish (and thats saying something). Why? Because of humanity's failure to look after the river. But it's not just that river that is the problem. Heck, I remember reading about a river that was so badly polluted, it turned orange.
But then, there are hundreds of organisations that work towards cleaning and helping the environment, so my claim can't be used to sum up all the rivers in the world.
I know that today, children are being eductated to protect the environment. More so, than any last generation. Or at least my parents, teachers, grandparents, etc, say so. And if it works out well, we mayt have ourselves a better place than today within 100 years time. I sure hope so.
The big thing to remember is that there is no real certainty or impossibility. Heck, theres even a 1-10000000000000 (or something like that) chance of walking through a wall when you bump through it. Nothing is impossible. Although the chances of it happening may be almost nill, theres still a slight chance. Just so, there is no real certainty either. You can argue this fact, but thats what I belive at least.
So, Articfox, it is not true to say that there is no way to save our planet, but we have trashed it up pretty bad. Ever since that industrial revolution (which was a great thing, don't get me wrong), we've had pollution steaming and pouring out like crazy. Only recently have the majority of people started realising how dangerous destroying the environmnet really is.
If the following paragraph was not the evidence to back up your approximately 100 years claim, then you didn't provide any evidence to back it up at all.
Fair enough, fair enough. My bad.
The environment is not something external that humans interact with. Humans are a subset of the environment.
Thats true. All creatures are a part of the environment. But it doesn't mean that they're all great and helpful. Rabbits in Australia are a massive pest. They can turn a grassy hill into a sandy dune for goodness sake! Does it mean that they're still a good thing. No. They are part of the environment, but in Australia, they are a pest. And face it, humanity is a pest to Nature. Does the earth
need humans to survive? We're at the top of almost every food chain. But nothing depends on us to survive. We're nothing more than a highly evolved parasite. We leech off everything and quite often don't put anything back. If someting is a danger to us, we kill it off.
We are like the ultimate virus. Yes, I watched Matrix

But seriously, it's true. We take so much, give so little in return. The most we can credit ourselves to (in regards to the environment) is decomposing after we die.
If the world is "steadily getting worse", then you should be able to prove that there is an actual decline.
Just one thing I randomly googled. I can't confirm it's accuracy, but thats just one example

I'm positive though, you could probably find some good examples, showing an increase. So we can both prove a decline and an increase.
This arguement is getting very repetitive. I understand your desire to have proof for everything, but sometimes, just chill out. You can't prove the existance of God, yet so many people belive in Him. Maybe he isn't real. Maybe he is just something people have dreamt up so that they have reassurance that someone is protecting them. But maybe he's real. Oh, now I'm getting into religious topics, so I'll stop here before something bad comes out of it.