shapu wrote:
Morningstar wrote:
Angus, if you are going to ask such questions of the British, Dutch, and Germans, then they should be allowed to ask questions of
us Americans:
1. Do you all eat at McDonald's every day?
2. Are you all wealthier than spit?
3. Do all American women look like the Barbie Doll? ( couldn't resist

I could add more regarding obesity, guns, and our current President, but did not want to provoke anyone.
Oo...this'll be fun.
1. Only if I can remove the gun rack from my truck first. Last time I went, I accidentally bumped into the 12-gauge...they don't let me go to that Mac-donalds no more.
2. Go outside.
Look at the dirt.
Thanks to college loans, I'm poorer than the dirt.
3. Only the ones on Miss America.
Oh, shapu, you indeed got my joke.
A few others did as well.

But some of you actually thought I was serious.
So, I guess, being the good American that I am, it is my turn to answer my own questions:
1. Do you all eat at McDonald's every day?
Of course. Mmm, mmm, mmm, nothing better for the body than a fat/preservative concoction, with secret sauce of course, for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
2. Are you all wealthier than spit?
Of course. Otherwise, just how the heck would we be able to afford the constant tax increases, the rising cost of health care, the $3.00 a gallon gasoline for our big honking SUV's that are absolutely necessary for travel in the suburbs (never know when a mountain might appear before your very eyes), while still being able to afford those country club fees.
3. Do all American women look like the Barbie Doll? ( couldn't resist

Of course we do. I mean, really, we look exactly like every actress and pop singer on TV (well, to be honest, most American men wish that all American women looked like Barbie, right?)
Don't get me wrong. I love America. But, stereotypical Americans, not so much. And, besides, it wasn't fair to pick on the British, Germans, and Dutch (I am 1/2 Dutch) without poking a teensy bit of fun at ourselves.
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