I have seriously been trying to think of something to post on this topic since it started, but nothing I've done comes under the category of 'most' for either stupid or embarrassing.
Brief rundown of ones that I thought of:
Hugged a stanger thinking it was my future step-dad (I was quite young and didn't know better).
Ran into a girl as I was leaving the cafeteria in 6th grade. I am a tall and fat person so she went flying, with all my momentum transferred to her. (Not really that embarrassing).
Lost a race that a teacher gave me a head start on. (Don't care since I'm not built for running).
Yelled at my HS drafting teacher because he thought I was goofing around without reason. (As I 'calmly' explained to him, I was several projects ahead, and my friend and I were waiting for everyone to catch up).
Gave a false name to a guest teacher and was busted minutes later when he took roll. (That was actually fun since I gained a nickname out of it).
The worst 'stupid' moment I could think of is: I was doing my homework with a friend. I kept getting the wrong answer. On my fifth try, I realized the problem. I was integrating when I should have been differentiating. I was the smarter of the two of us at math too.

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