Silja wrote:
ChromeFox wrote:
What the hell went wrong? This is the 21st century, I thought we were above Mother Nature by now!
And it is exactly that way of thinking that will eventually destroy the whole human race (which is at this point pretty unevitable, but yeah, we can only blame ourselves). We need to realize that we will never me above Mother Nature because we are a part of it.
Not to be mean just to you, as so many others have stated the same, but I feel really sad about that people actually think we can/should/will master it somehow.
Even though it's horrible when things like this happen, we need to understand that they are a part of life, and as long as we want to live on this planet we have to accept the rules of Mother Nature and mortality itself.
I do agree. We really are a part of it. And there's no way to Master it, or to 'be above it'. We're bound to make a mistake, even if we find a way to prevent all these disasters. There is obviously a reason why things like this happen, even if it means destruction. I'm not saying I'm some cold hearted girl, I'm saying that as much as I hate it, I think there's a reason for it. I don't think it's anything against Asia and all the places that were affected, but that something was bound to happen, and it happened there.
I hate it though. I think it's awful. It's hard for that number to penetrate the mind. That huge amount of loss, of devastation. And it's still climbing. Plus there are those places that will never be accounted for... Those small unknown villages... THey'll be gone, and no one will know how many died.
Then there are the wounded, many of which will die from their wounds.
It saddens me so much to even think of it.
But at school, I am in a club called the Key Club, part of Kiwanis, and we help those in need. We are going to do a fundraiser to help raise money for those in need. I'm glad that we can do at least something, and not simply have to sit around and talk about how bad it is.
Many of my relatives in Singapore are helping by donating lots of their items. I'm just relieved that the earthquake didn't affect my family there.
One thing I hate about big devastations like this, is that people tend to forget that there ARE other places in the world that need help as well. Think of Africa, where there are all those starving children. I always feel so torn. I want to do something for both, but there isn't that much I can do. Blah, my rant is cut off here