lackadazed wrote:
Your high school has an equestrian team? That's so cool, I can't even imagine one around here. What sort of stuff do you do?
And your pic of Bailey is super cute, what type of horse is he?
And I jump some, maybe up to 3 ft, but really not a whole lot, especially not in this winter mess... I'd love an indoor right now. But we still have a few issues with "slow." Hopefully we'll stay under control enough to try a hunter pace and make it over the jumps there too. And I know settling cows looks boring, they seem to use a seperate group just for that here... but it's probably not quite so boring on a spooky horse that's never seen a cow before.

Bailey's an off-the-track thoroughbred

Not really the best type of horse for your first horse, eh? We've worked through some of his biggest issues (ie attacking you when you tried to tack him up) and right now I'm basically training him to be a riding horse. I love him to death.
And yeees, we have an equestrian team. It's incredibly small - three people this year not counting me because I don't ride as Bailey's not ready - but next year it'll hopefully be bigger. We go to three meets, which are these HUGE competitions with zillions of horses and riders. Some teams have like 50 kids and more horses. There's all kinds of events, western and english. It's sooooo much fun, I love it even though I don't get to ride in it till next year.
There's an indoor arena at the barn I board Bailey at

It's awesome. I know what you mean about slow - I don't canter Bailey at large yet as he likes to speed up on the long rails, I've been doing it on the longe line with someone at the other end. We've only hopped over little bitty jumps - and you call 3ft not really jumping?

Bailey's jumped 3 feet, sure, but not with me on him. The jumps during fences at the equestrian meets are 3ft max, though, so hopefully I'll be there by next year. Amazing how many horses get disqualified in the qualifying round just because they won't go near the jumps.
And I might PM you about this later, but I have some homework

I'll post on this topic later as well. yay!