Oof...I had another extremely strange dream, also Shaman King related. (Hey, YOU go to sleep with 29+ pictures of Yoh staring at you and try to dream about anything else

) Anyway, I dreamed that there was this extended episode that was about an hour and a half long, and it was on at 9:30 PM. Said episode was also rated PG-13 for 'Drugs, Violence, and Adult Situations'. They were having this special showing of it at my High School, but only seniors were allowed in. (I'm a freshman

) Me and my friend Stef snuck in, and for some reason all of my other people I hang out with were there. We hid under a table to watch the episode, and when it started, EVERYONE there was singing along to the theme song, myself included O.o. I only got to see the beginning (in which Yoh got stabbed in a dark alleyway and Manta was standing there screaming), and then the rest of it disappeared into screen fuzz. A teacher in a suit came up and tried to fix it, but he just made it worse and I ended up missing the whole thing. After that, I sued the school for making me miss it, and I won. The first thing I said when I woke up that morning was 'Grr...bloody school...'
Then a few nights later I dreamed that I saw the rest of it, but I completely forgot what happened O.o