labbiedor wrote:
Who knows, maybe you'll end up sitting next to him! =D I felt the same way when we got new seats in math. I wanted to scream at my math teacher for not sitting me next to him. We should be getting new seats soon, we get new seats at the end of each chapter in our book, and we just ended so we should get new seats on Monday or Tuesday...
Lol, hopefully

. But with my luck, the teacher will probably put me in like, the centre spot. She says there's only one person sitting in the middle and she sort of likes me a lot, so she might put me there. But then I'm already sitting in the middle, so hopefully she puts me somewhere else.
I'll tell you what happens tomorrow

My friends are pressuring me to ask him out. XD
I would never do that -.-".
Monique wrote:
I'm bored and annoyed with Philosophy right now! Like I absolutely hate this class. Not only is my teacher clueless, but everyone is that class just isn't very bright. I might very well be considered a genius in comparison. (now that's scary!)
We were just discussing Philosophy today! Someone said they might take it for a course... I'm not exactly sure what it really talks about, but I think it's about the meaning of life and all that. Anyways, it's not a course that I will be taking, that's for sure (funnily enough I considered it in the past >_>. But now, I don't care... I just want to believe what I want to believe about life...)