Xil wrote:
xerai wrote:
Setekh wrote:
xerai wrote:
Qanda wrote:
I have made silly mistakes before too. Once I did a piece of homework twice, because I forgot I did it already.

Too studious for my own good...
You think that's bad? I once did a homework that didn't actually exist.
and lets not even mention the fireball made while cooking,
Once some of my friends & I made a deadly weapon, sticking a lighter (or source of ignition.) infront of a gas-tap, lighting the lighter and switching the gas tap on. The flame went about over arms-length and everyone jumped back; amusingly enough the teacher didn't notice, she was writing the safety rules on the board after a previous incident.
brilliant move, Xerai.
Tech class and I didn't mix well. I never got to take woodwork but we worked a little bit with it anyways, I had comm tech, in that class we made commercials and such using cameras and building minute sets.
we were fighting with balsa wood sticks(they're perfect for mock sword fights, if need may arise) and I swiped backwards, getting my teacher in the glasses.
Hard times at Leger.
You said mine was a smart move, Xil. But mine beats the exploding can experiment, the magnesium explosion or cutting up a pig kidney. Yours would..Ohh. I'd just die if that happened to me.
But once, I was mistaken by my teacher as a different person, and he cornered me and was yelling at me, infront of like 70 people. It was scary, considering he was like 6'4" ...