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 Post subject: Another Logfile... to Rule them All. Not for the squeamish.
PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 8:07 am 
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Hehe, 'not for the squamish', that's what Peter Parker wrote on a note with video proof of the Kingpin murdering someone.

*cough* anyway.

This may be the best RPing session I've ever had on Furcadia.

Counting spying on the princess who someone had attempted to kill,
Counting finding out the guy who took the shot for her was a traitor,
Counting the battle with someone allied with her who looked like Oak's mortal enemy,
and counting Oak wandering, wounded terribly, in the middle of the desert.

(Pardon the occasional checks to see who's in the dream in this logfile.)

Oakleaf Evolution sits, staring at the fire... now there's something she hasn't thought of much recently...
Christopher Young takes a seat right beside her, glistening with a thick sheen of sweat. he's also missing his shirt, and he's holding his boots in his right paw.
Oakleaf Evolution glances with large silver eyes in Christopher's direction. "Ah-- h-hello," she stammers out... she doesn't know quite what to think of the feline.
Christopher Young looks to Oakleaf with a contented smile, his body completely relaxed and his tail slithering gently in the small wind that passes them by. "Good evening Little Oakleaf. How are you doing?"
Oakleaf Evolution glances down. Oho, she thinks, if only they knew! After all... Oakleaf had had a vision of her father's death the previous night, and was quite shaken by it. "I'm... I'm okay... and, and you? What about N-naya?" Funny, Oak hasn't said this much for... days.
Christopher Young's smile widens at the accept Oakleaf gives him and the words the replies with. "Nayaioh is doing quite well, considering all she went through. She's still very exhausted, though, and she'll be on bedrest for at least another week before she's active once more."
Oakleaf Evolution nods. Ohhh, could Oakleaf be connecting things? She'd had a vision of Dethak dying... and with Christopher, talking about his daughter, right here... things looked fell. Not that Oak's visions had ever been correct, nor had she ever experienced anything so vivid in its reality. Yes, Oak was concerned that Christopher might die! "I... I see... and, and... you d-didn't answer-- what about you?"
Christopher Young cleverly avoided talking about himself by continuing with what HE was going to say. "But I see that you are a very troubled little girl. Tell me of your past, and please be candid with me tonight." Christopher looks into the fire, dark chocolate eyes swimming with the flames that lie before them.
You say, "[[Wooboy.]]"
Christopher Young: [Yeah, he's asking for it.]
Oakleaf Evolution is stock-still... her eyes are wide in some strange emotion that is neither fear nor anger nor relief. Her past... "B-but... it's... long." It seems Oak doesn't have any excuse... to be honest, it's surprising nobody's asked her previously, but it still seems years too soon. "And... and painful." Well there's candidness!
Christopher Young: I have read the journals of thousand year-old dragons. A ten year old child cannot out do such. Tell me of your past, please. Perhaps you may find solance in confiding in this ol' lion.
Oakleaf Evolution doesn't even know how old she is... but let's assume that was a lucky guess [[:P]]
Christopher Young: *solace[]
Christopher Young: [Yeah, he guessed.]
Oakleaf Evolution blinks. Well, here it is. The problem's not how to tell it, for all is vivid and almost agonizingly clear. It's how to begin. Not where to begin, for the beginning is clear. "I suppose... anything important... begins with R-r-r...anarron, when I was seven."
You say, "[[ah crap]]"
You say, "[[I was editing it to say, "r-r-r... " She faded out for a moment and gulped, "Ranarron".]]"
Christopher Young: And who is this Ranarron? A family member gone bad?
You say, "[[AHAHAhA! Eheh... heh...]]"
* Current players: Christopher Young, Oakleaf Evolution.
* 2 players in the dream of Harshlaw.
* 2591 total players online. Uptime 4 days 6:45
* Max players this session: 3332
* Max players today: 3318
Christopher Young: [Post!]
Oakleaf Evolution stares blankly. "Er, I'm... g-getting to that." Okay, so Christopher was TOTALLY off. And now Oak gathers words, and in a stumbling river of story starts again, not daring even to look at Christopher, but staring down. "It all began with... with him." She couldn't even say his name... "My father was a warrior, of.. of the White Mountains." Oakleaf isn't going to go further into that... but it is obvious that they were her home. "And... and sometime when I was seven, there was a sk-skirmish... Ramth, a w-wuh wolf from the bordering kingdom set against, against my father... and he lost."
You say, "[[Sorry, this is... myess.]]"
Christopher Young: Continue. What happened after your father lost?
Oakleaf Evolution shakes her head. "No... Ramth lost. He d-died, my father killed him. They'd, they'd always hated eachother. But... nobody counted on it, n-n-nobody knew how badly his son wanted vengeance."
Christopher Young: Then... Ranarron is the son of Ramth?
Oakleaf Evolution shudders. "I... I was in c-class at the time. Dethak... that's my f-father- he'd always insisted I be a mage, since my mother died, when I was two. And I missed it, I c-c-could have stopped it all... and I was asleep!" Oak begins shaking madly. "ASLEEP! I, I was asleep, and I could have prevented everything. Yes, he is... and we c-could hear it, his cries of pain at his own father's death, and rage... and for r-r-revenge. They could all hear it I think, by the end." Now that she had begun it was easier, yet every word is a struggle.
* Current players: Christopher Young, Oakleaf Evolution.
* 2 players in the dream of Harshlaw.
* 2441 total players online. Uptime 4 days 6:59
* Max players this session: 3332
* Max players today: 3318
Christopher Young: Continue. What happened that night that you believe you could have prevented?
[*] Ameila Delmare Antoinette requests permission to join your company. To accept the request, type `summon and press . To decline, type `decline and press
Oakleaf Evolution starts breathing heavily. "Just... just the killings. I c-could have done it, and n-n-none of it!...." She goes quiet for a while. "Two years were silent. there was no word, none... and then my ninth b-birthday came."
[*] Ameila Delmare Antoinette joins you.
(You see Ameila Delmare Antoinette.)
> squirrels are cool...SQUIRRLY!!!!! [pet at Pheonix Nights]
Christopher Young: What happened during your ninth birthday?
Oakleaf Evolution meets Christopher's eyes... it's the most afraid anyone could see her being, and Oakleaf is almost always afraid. Her pupils are dark, shadowed as shuttered windows on an abandoned house, sinking despairingly in pools of green. "Everything." Oak takes a deep shuddering breath, and continues. "We were unwarned, unarmed, unprepared. Maybe three hundred of us... many old, and none aware. And, he, he t-t-told me, there were... three thousand.. three hundred... thirty f-four." Oak hates counting... numbers... and this is but one reason.
* Current players: Christopher Young, Oakleaf Evolution, Ameila Delmare Antoinette.
* 3 players in the dream of Harshlaw.
* 2369 total players online. Uptime 4 days 7:11
* Max players this session: 3332
* Max players today: 3318
Christopher Young: You and the others were run down? Why whom? Ranarron and his men?
* 2375 total players online. Uptime 4 days 7:12
* Current players: Christopher Young, Oakleaf Evolution, Ameila Delmare Antoinette, Sedu.
* 4 players in the dream of Harshlaw.
* Max players this session: 3332
* Max players today: 3318
* Current players: Christopher Young, Oakleaf Evolution, Chemical.
* 3 players in the dream of Harshlaw.
* 2363 total players online. Uptime 4 days 7:14
* Max players this session: 3332
* Max players today: 3318
Oakleaf Evolution trembles with surpressed rage. "Run down is n-no word... for that. It was a massacre, to be put lightly. And... they were n-not men, if they were! We might have had a chance. But... they were r-ravenous wolven beasts with n-no further intent than... k-k-killing everybody." She practically stands, eyes burning. "They murdered cubs! Cubs of their own kind, ripped them apart, put them for display hanging from the rocks of their land!"
Christopher Young: Despicable. I've heard of tactics used by such beasts... but rarely have I seen it done. And how did you survive? Did they take you as their slave?
Oakleaf Evolution breathes shakily, casting one trembling hand over her face. "N-no. There were... n-no prisoners, save one... My father. Ranarron wanted his vengeance in full... he intended to..." Oakleaf takes a few shuddering gasps, and is... candid in her telling. "Ranarron intended to use his machines of torture on Dethak, to send him into such a frenzy of agony that every moment would make all thoughts of death as sane as... as eating. Until his insides would spill out in a heap of gory anguish, such were the machines Ranarron had created! But... then fate went against the three of us, Ranarron, Dethak and I."
Christopher Young simply nods slowly, his eyes locked on the young pegasus as she retold her horrific and macabre past.
(You see Zelig Frost.)
> A furre of some stature, over six feet in height and adequate weight for his size. Long, grayish hair is tied back into a ponytail, though several tendrils are left across his face. His deep brown eyes show his potential, though youth obscures it. Leather armor and a traveling cloak, along with a longsword on his back, next to a longbow and a quiver of arrows.
* Current players: Christopher Young, Oakleaf Evolution, Zelig Frost.
* 3 players in the dream of Harshlaw.
* 2262 total players online. Uptime 4 days 7:27
* Max players this session: 3332
* Max players today: 3318
You say, "The forest was burning. That alone! That alone could kill some of us, some of us were connected to the trees. Father was... was at the top of one. His wings shot through... he was, he was a magnificent flier, and then... then he breathed the smoke, and fell." Oakleaf restrained tears, though... she herself had felt her own father's last moments the previous night in the hallucination. And it was awful... she was fairly sure that was what death felt like. "Fell so far, onto the rocks... and Ranarron's prize was lost, his vengeance incomplete."
Christopher Young: So he took you instead?
You say, "[[Hey Zelig... I shall finish last night's when/if Svay gets here..]]"
Zelig Frost: (Nah.)
Zelig Frost: (I'm not coherent.)
Christopher Young: [Just keep going with the story, Oak.]
Oakleaf Evolution nods. "I was the closest-of kin... at the time, I was asleep." She shakes. "ASLEEP AGAIN! In... in his last moments... he'd cast a spell on me. So I would die peacefully... but when he, he... when father died, I slept on, in the hollow oak of my namesake, where I had run. And there I was caught, helpless, hopeless, and I tried to run... they.. they hurt me. And... by nightfall all were dead, everyone. I'm the last."
Christopher Young: The extermination of an entire race... over a blood feud. Deplorable. Such things shouldn't go on.
Oakleaf Evolution thinks of that as... an understatement, perhaps? Still she goes on. "I d-don't know what happened, then... I was in a dungeon, or I wasn't and I was forced to watch as they... they disembowled them, or... or ripped their skin off... I don't even know where I was, if that was a dream.... but I awoke in the torture chambers. And here I cannot be so open, it was all... it was all just a terror, machines, and, and whips, and pokers. I was questioned, but I know not what about, and then... I think I died, or almost... I d-d-don't know why I survived, it was so cold and every moment... you don't have any idea. I don't have any idea... but I just wanted it to end, and it didn't, couldn't stop.... then... I d-don't know how much longer later... but my wings became big enough. To fly, and at least look upon the light through the tiny window."
* 2181 total players online. Uptime 4 days 7:43
* Max players this session: 3332
* Current players: Christopher Young, Oakleaf Evolution, Zelig Frost.
* 3 players in the dream of Harshlaw.
* Max players today: 3318
* Current players: Christopher Young, Oakleaf Evolution, Zelig Frost.
* 3 players in the dream of Harshlaw.
* 2125 total players online. Uptime 4 days 7:51
* Max players this session: 3332
* Max players today: 3318
Oakleaf Evolution stares into the fire. "It all came to me. I d-d-didn't know what I was doing, at first... I was hardly able to even, even hold the bars and pull myself up, but I made some sort of magic... and little leaves came from my wings, and fixed upon the bars. I hung there, certain if I let go I would fall to my death on the cold stone, and then... the bars began to fade, as if through time... I was thin, terribly thin and starved, forgotten and yet not so. I knew Ranarron would find I was missing... but honestly... I d-didn't care. And I ran, I ran.. there was a stony city, and gallows! Gallows right before me, and then I turned into the maze of cobbled roads, afraid. I don't know how I got past, but it was not yet morning... and I kept running. I saw the foot of the mountain, and there was either more magic or some sort of miracle." >>
You say, "There was my father's sword, the blade I bear even now, and it was glowing green. I don't know why, and likely never will... but it heartened me, and though I was hurt terribly I stopped, and took it. But I had paused too long... the same wolves who had killed them all spotted me as the sun rose... I was shot at, and it took some time to get my wings moving... I fled, all in a blur, for... for... I don't know... and now I'm h-heh-here... and I..." Now there was no resisting it... Oakleaf began to sob uncontrollably."
Christopher Young reaches out with a rough paw to take the small Oakleaf into his lap, holding her close. "There there, gentle Oakleaf. That is how you made it to this camp, yes? Tell me the name of the blade that you carry." Coddled the snowlion gently.
Oakleaf Evolution nods, trembling. "It's... L-leafshimmer, in the common tongue."
Christopher Young nods firmly. "Leafshimmer. A powerful name for a powerful sword." He looks down to the trembling child. "But a weapon is only as powerful as the warrior who wields it. You must grow from your horrid experience, and put it where it belongs... in the past." Christopher looked up into the night sky. "The cosmos is vast and infinite. You will find the answers which you seek, if you look hard enough." Christopher smiles, "Meanwhile, you need to concentrate more on helping others than feeling sorry for yourself. Shed this fear from thy mortal coil, and don the armor of Courage."
Christopher Young: [I'm going to sleep after your next post, Oakleaf.]
Oakleaf Evolution had found courage the previous night, but before her vision... now it is hidden to her eyes. Still something Chris had said is familiar... it had been said to her that her mother might be in the sky, all those years ago... but now she needed the advice of a warrior she knew. Oak simply nods, and looks up also.
You say, "[[Bye Chris. Have angsty dreams of disembowelment!]]"
Christopher Young: [Goodnight you two, take care.]
You say, "[[AND BRAVEHEART. Excellent dream material, that.]]"
Zelig Frost: (Night.)
You say, "[[I might as well also go to sleep... I am SO putting this logfile in my room ^^ I've been waiting sooo long to finally say it... I'm eager to talk about GORY HORRIBLENESS unlike poor Oak here.]]"

And there ye have it... he logged off, and yeah. I'm SO FRICKIN PROUD.


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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 2:36 am 
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Eo, that rules. What you're going to do if Audrey finds out, I leave to you, but you're officially the best RPer I know. (Keeping in mind that I don't know Randy, and anyway he's only better than you as Helkar.)

Do what you will; but I will hinder it if I may.

-- Eowyn of the Mark

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 12:08 am 

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Yeah, I don't think I'll compare with your Rp skills for another couple years. That was cool...

If only people in my school were as entusiastic about Rping as the people here are...

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 6:21 pm 
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Indeed. My school? Don't make me laugh. I've Roleplayed with three people there... Sir_Isaac's quite a good RPer, and NC, who's not on PPT... meh. He's pretty good at it, but nothing remarkable. And one kid can do comedy VERY WELL... but just about nothing else. And you can't make a plot run based off comedy. And only the last two are in my class e.e

Requiem wanted to see this... only a matter of time before we gets another responsssse, yesss preciouss! *rubs hands with an Ebil cackle*


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PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 6:48 pm 
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I must come from a far older generation... of Furcs and of Rpers...

but Rps are so tame now adays. *sigh* It's why I don't RP here, too quiet, to fluffy, too nice.
Ah... I miss the ROC.

All the blood guts, and glory that anyone could ever want.

*sad sigh*

But i'm glad theres still Rping on Furc. When I left... it was getting too hard to find. I wonder if any of the members of the Noble Legion are still around... hrm. *ponders and then shrugs*

Evisceration is a sign of respect.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 6:58 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Now i have to go back to furc. I'd forgotten how great the RP is there.

Mas mothaionn tu fein mar rud eigin caite ar an dtra...
Lig dom goideail an croi duit...

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 7:05 pm 
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Wow, I think that's three or four Furcadian RPers?

All of which but me have left? Dang... that's sad.

Well... ya kinda have to know where to go, I guess. But yeah... it's not generally as violent as it once was. And the Cabbit Pens are gone *sniffle*


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PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 6:17 am 
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I rp, but on AIM. Too bad my logfiles are all rated R or X. :evil:

Image Made by Zero(She tastes funny)

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 11:08 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Eo wrote:
Wow, I think that's three or four Furcadian RPers?

All of which but me have left? Dang... that's sad.

Well... ya kinda have to know where to go, I guess. But yeah... it's not generally as violent as it once was. And the Cabbit Pens are gone *sniffle*

I'm goin back now, though. You've convinced me. It's re-downloaiding as we speak. Bet my char names are taken, though. Ah well.

When are you usually on, Eo? We should RP together.

Mas mothaionn tu fein mar rud eigin caite ar an dtra...
Lig dom goideail an croi duit...

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 11:19 pm 
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See. Back in my day on Furc... there were guild wars... that were actually fun. None of this... idiots wandering in, doing stupid thing. It wasn't morbid, or gross, or... *shudders* full of swearing and obnoxious... people. It was just... fun.
And by the time I left, it wasn't fun anymore. People kept wandering in, doing annoying things, it was becoming harder and harder to RP properly and in the old style... *sighs*
But it was good while it lasted. And Shadoweye and Fleetrun... will always be remembered by me. Wow. Long time... since I pulled those names up. Mm.

Evisceration is a sign of respect.

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