Don't worry Jim, I promise it's not a pity grab.
So. I went to a college meeting tonight, where I abruptly realized something - I need to be more focused on other aspects of my life right now. I'm in my sophomore year, my grades aren't great, and I need to work hard if I want to get somewhere later in life.
And - well, I'm not leaving, exactly, but I'm taking a hiatus. I don't know how long it will be - anywhere from a few weeks to a few months I suppose - but I need to get my priorities in order. I was in 8th grade when I joined, and since then, I haven't been doing great. I really need to get more attention to my work, and I'm bad at resisting temptation. I have AP tests in May that I really need to study for. When those are over, and when I feel that I'm more organized and controlled, I'll come back. (You can't get rid of me that easily!)
I don't want to say individual goodbyes, because that would take forever. You know who you are. I just want to thank everyone for being so great and supportive. I've learned a lot from you all, and I'll really, really, miss you a lot. This is going to be quite hard for me, but I feel as if it's something I need to do.
If you need to get in touch with me, my email is, and I'll get back to you eventually.

333333 (and a couple more),