People have been seeing this weird dog with big ears and it it looks really weird. I say it is a mutant gelert hehehehe..
Well the picture someone drew of it sure looks gelert like...
So anyway, it could be some fan decided to um..alter their dog?
I mean, take a borizo or another type dog with long ears and then do some kind of surgery to make the ears stand up and you could have a gelert..
Take a seluki for example. It has a long tail and long ears. Now make the ears stand up by doing some kind of surgery and you'd probably end up with something like that. And these are pretty big dogs too. Nothing really unusual, but kind of rare I think. I'd still know it was a dog though. Personally, I find Saluki's beautiful. I couldn't own one however, as they are a very high energy dog!
Anyway, here is an artist rendering of the "beast".