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 Post subject: Power Cut ^_^
PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2005 3:47 am 
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Woah! Power out all morning today. Huge storms over night and all of the southern suburbs in perth are out of power! (well its come back on now). Pretty bad here, lived here for quite a while and there hasn't been anything like this before.

142km/h winds and LOADS of rain. The lake down the road from me is full up.

The main bridge into the city has been blocked because of a building crane. There is a massive building site next to the bridge (canning highway), and one of the cranes tiped over the bridge and is about to fall over so they had to get loads of cranes in to stop it. Quite interesting.

Twas a good excuse not to revise while it lasted ^_^

ANy of you guys got any enthralling power cut stories to tell?

I had a pretty big cut when i was pretty young. we were staying in some small cottage int he middle of nowhere for christmas and hte power went out on crhistmas eve for 12 hours. All the food was ruined so I just ate sweets all christmas and played sharades all night. That was fun !

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PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2005 5:30 am 
PPT Toddler
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The longest power cut I can remember was directly following the Great Storm of 1987, that lasted about a day for me but some people were without power for weeks. Fortunately living in a reasonably-big town the power very rarely goes off at all (maybe once or twice a year) and then only for no more than an hour.

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PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2005 7:00 am 
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We lost power for about a week after the blizzard of '96. The school had power, so I was still going, but it was to the point that we were going to live with my aunt in Harrisburg if it didn't come back came back on that day.

I don't really remember much of it, though, as I was just a bit young. :P

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PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2005 7:02 am 
Beyond Godly
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I've never gotten a big power cut as far as I can remember. There was that one time where I was in the shower, and the lights just suddenly go off after a big BANG. (The generator went bye bye)

That was so freaky...


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PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2005 11:54 am 
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I live on the outskirts of Tornado Alley, so yes, I know about power outages ;P
Usually they'd only last an hour or two. The fun ones are the ones that come at night... one came around 2 AM once, I was still up, but the whole neighbourhood lost power, and it was soooo dark. I couldn't see a thing, and I got lost in the middle of the dining room... in the house I'd lived in my entire life. I had to get on my hands and knees and feel for the edge of the rug to orient myself by.
In the last couple of months there'd been some problems with the power in the building I live in now that resulted in some scheduled outages. First they had to replace the entire.. transformer thing, for the building, and then they replaced the whole pole while they were at it.
And then on another day, they had to replace all of the electric meters outside.

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PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2005 11:59 am 
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um... yep, I've been in two, one from a snowstorm in '96 or '98 or something like that, we went a whole monthn without power, in the winter, in Canada.

We also lost power in that really big blackout that happened in the summer, it lasted a really long time. Like 6 hours, or even longer. I think everyone on the East Coast of the U.S and Canada should remember that.

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PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2005 12:46 pm 
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Anyone not in Australia wouldn't know about this -but Aus was just hit with a mini-tornado. In the Perth-ish area. The news ish good :P

I've had the power cut once - while I was taking a shower. One second, the heating lights are on, and the water's hot, the next I'm in pitch blackness and I've got ice water pouring all over me. Turns out my mum's ironer short circuited :roll:

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PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2005 12:53 pm 
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How could anyone enjoy power cuts?? I live in the tropics, and the weather is too hot to endure without modern amenities such as the fan or air con. Also, electrical devices such as the lights, TV, computer stop working, rendering you with nothing much to do except sit around and tell ghosts stories. :roll:

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PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2005 1:17 pm 
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Twisted Sanity wrote:
Anyone not in Australia wouldn't know about this -but Aus was just hit with a mini-tornado. In the Perth-ish area. The news ish good :P

I slept thru it when it went past our house ^_^ Parents went physco.

Not as bad as rachel though, she slept thru the hurricane of 88' and then when she woke up with no power, asked why her eyes weren't working :roflol:

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PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2005 1:38 pm 
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The Blackout a couple summers ago. Wasn't such a big deal besides it shut off right in the middle of my game
*shakes fist* and the fact that it HAD to be hot! I remember it was 2 am, we couldn't sleep becasue it was so hot and then BAM! power went back on. Yay for AC.

Another time was an ice storm in 98 I think. My dad had to go up to Watertown to help out with teh phone lines, so we stayed with my aunt who lived there and only sections of their town had electricity. The army brought up this HUGE generator to atelast keep the street lights on. Power was out for them for...around a month or so. But thats northern NY, EVERYONE has generators, so it wasn't so bad.

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PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2005 1:56 pm 
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Probably heard of this one, but we had one in Thailand during CAS week :P

The 4 of us roomies went to our dorm and were like, chilling and laughing. Then the lights started flickering. My piano teacher told me about ghosts in thailand (>.>) so I said with a mysterious voice, "we are not alone..." to my friend and my friend is terrified with this kinda stuff so she was hitting me going, "shhh don't say that!!"

Then the light went off. It was pitch dark.

My friend and I were screaming and huddling together XD "OMGOMGOMG!! AHHHHHHH >.< AHHHHH OPEN THE DOORRR!!" And I grabbed the door handle and opened the door and the lights went back on.

Apparently it was a short power failure :P

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PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2005 2:52 pm 
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I remember one morning we came into school, and all the classrooms had heaters plugged into the sockets, it smelt awful, but I didnt think to ask why they werent using the main heaters so I just ignored it.
Then we had just packed up all our stuff in our lesson, and we were all sitting on the desks waiting for the bell to go, when suddenly the lights went out. First we all thought someone ran into the classroom and turned the lights off, but then when it was 10 minutes into the next lesson, the head teacher came in and told us to wait until someone came and told us what to do.
Turns out some kids had hacked away at the power box thingy outside our school, and the power had been on and off the whole morning. We got a week off from that, pretty cool.

And this one time at home, it was storming really badly, and all of a sudden there was this loud bang, and all the power went out, but our door bell started singing the death song o.O Man that was creepy.

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PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2005 3:11 pm 
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Let's refresh ourselves to August 2003 in North East America (including New York,) when 66million people were without power for 48hours because of a overgrown tree in Cleveland, Ohio.

Then 2 weeks later a power cut occurs in London, UK caused by a fault in two 270,000-volt cables at Wimbledon begining at 6.15pm. Ironically enough I was reading the a topic on PPT Forum's Miscellaneous Discussion board about power cuts occuring throughout the world at that time.

This is what I read about the powercut that I was affected by when I picked up a Metro newspaper (London's free Newspaper) the Monday after London's powercut.

Metro wrote:

Up to 250,000 Tube passengers were caught when the electricity supply failed during rush-hour - thousands of them in tunnels.

Above ground, up to 1,000 trains ground to a halt along 30 miles of track south of London. Services from Victoria, London Bridge and Waterloo were all affected. Other major stations, including Euston and King's Cross, were overcrowded as passengers abandoned the Tube. Long queues formed for taxis and buses.

On the roads, at least 270 sets of traffic lights went out.

Up to 150,000 homes in a swathe from Wimbledon in South-West London to Westminster in the city centre and Orpington in Kent were without power.

Firefighters answered 400 calls and rescued 100 people from lifts.

It sparked speculation that the capital was under attack by terrorists - or that it was facing a shutdown on the scale of north-east America, where 66million people were without power for 48hours two weeks ago.

One commuter, Peter Champion, a 46-year-old IT consultant, said: 'It's just like New York all over again.'

The power cut, blamed on a fault in two 270,000-volt cables at Wimbledon, began at 6.15pm.

In some areas, it was restored within 20 minutes but other homes had to wait until 7pm to be reconnected.

At Guy's and St Thomas' hospitals the power went off momentarily but a back-up generator kicked in before any damage was caused.

Mayor Ken Livingstone said the situation was unprecedented. 'We have never faced a crisis like this before. It is an absolutely horrendous position because it has caught the rush-hour,' he said.

Calling for an inquiry, he blamed the situation on under-investment in the National Grid and London Underground, saying some of their equipment 'should be in a museum'.

He added: 'The grid should never go down for that length of time. Something like this points to mistakes and wrong decisions. We need to find out who took those wrong decisions.'

But Mark Fairburn, of the National Grid, said it was down more to bad luck than lack of funds. 'We have invested £3billion in the system over the last ten years. Nothing is guaranteed 100 per cent,' he said.

Simon Lubin, of British Transport Police, admitted it was a 'logistical nightmare' but said: 'London Underground staff are well-trained to deal with this. Every station has a contingency plan.'

FYI Orpington is only 2 stops on a train south on the Victoria to Orpington line from where I live and Bromley is only one stop north on the Victoria to Orpington line from where I live.

Anyone else here have memories of blackouts occuring in their area in 2003?


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PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2005 8:53 pm 
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zorg wrote:
Twisted Sanity wrote:
Anyone not in Australia wouldn't know about this -but Aus was just hit with a mini-tornado. In the Perth-ish area. The news ish good :P

I slept thru it when it went past our house ^_^ Parents went physco.

Not as bad as rachel though, she slept thru the hurricane of 88' and then when she woke up with no power, asked why her eyes weren't working :roflol:

i was four!!!

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PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2005 8:58 pm 
Beyond Godly
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rachel wrote:
zorg wrote:
Twisted Sanity wrote:
Anyone not in Australia wouldn't know about this -but Aus was just hit with a mini-tornado. In the Perth-ish area. The news ish good :P

I slept thru it when it went past our house ^_^ Parents went physco.

Not as bad as rachel though, she slept thru the hurricane of 88' and then when she woke up with no power, asked why her eyes weren't working :roflol:

i was four!!!

*chuckle* I find that quite amusing.

I remember when we had a power cut at dancing once. That was amusing. The music went off, it went pitch black and we all had to sit in the corridor whilst the dance teachers husband went next door to the police station to fetch torches. The dance teachers passed around jelly sweets. So much fun!

EDIT: Ooo we had one at school before and we got three whole days off school as we had no 'lecy or heating. The power station across the road had blew up and there were fire engines everywhere. And fire men.... :D

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