VeraX wrote:
... That is the question.
My school is doing a cancer fundraiser, and the students can shave their heads.
I don't know if I should or shouldn't. My hair is fairly long, and I don't know if I should cut it off. I don't know what I would look like bald!
But its just hair, its going to a good cause, and it'll grow back.
So, should I shave it off or not? I need oppinions!
Shollia wrote:
ahoteinrun wrote:
Do you have a job? If so? Is it public?
Why do I ask?
I had a friend, great person, who shaved her head for cancer... and she was a waitress. After she shaved her head, the customers complained about her looks (even after she explained why she'd done it), and they were honestly quite cruel.
If you do it, and you're female, you really do need to be aware of the fact that there will be people who will probably give you dirty looks. I'm totally for it, and I think it's a great thing, but some people... just don't understand.
If you want to do it, do it. Apparently it feels really weird to be hairless. Good luck.
Are you kidding me? People actually complained about her looks??
God.. how freaking dumb and shallow can people be.
I'd look at it as a positive.. even if I didn't know she had donated it for a cause...
At least you wouldn't have hair in your food when you got it

*shakes head* I just don't understand people.
But anywho.. if you don't want to shave it all off.. do as others have suggested, just cut your hair short and donate the ponytail if it's long enough.
If you really want to shave your head though.. go for it

It is just hair and it will grow back!
It's your body so you have every right to cut off all of your hair if you want to whether it is for a fundraiser or not.
These dumb and shallow people who complained about ahoteinrun friend need to realize that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and that there are people out there that think bald is beautiful regardless of gender of the person.
What I am saying is if you feel you want to experiment and find out what it feels like to be bald (you might like it or you might not) then chose that option if you don't feel you would want your hair bald then chose this option. Finally remember regardless of the choice you made you did what you felt was the best option for you.
If you chose to shave your head bald just remember to keep your head away from sunlight (like wearing a baseball cap) if you are without suncream (The sun's rays can cause cancer to you if leave your bald head unprotected)