So... you've broken your foot.
In my past experience of 30 hours, here are some things I have learned.
1. It is vastly important that you do not kick things with your broken foot, despite the fact that it is now armed with a nice heavy fiberglass cast. Kicking things is often what got you into this mess in the first place, and it does no good to repeat the process.
Solution? Pay someone else to kick for you. Siblings are often a good choice.
2. The hospital staff have given you not one replacement foot, but two in the form of crutches! This gives you an advantage over natural human beings who are only armed with two feet. With your three feet (and a quickly healing spare), you should be able to rule the world.
Solution? Start plotting now for complete take over. Once your foot is completely healed, people will not be as sympathetic to your cause.
3. Water is your enemy.
Solution? Plastic bags and elastic bands (or tape) can be used to protect your cast. But remember, when using elastic bands it is imperitive that you do not keep them on for too long. You've already broken your foot, you don't want to kill blood circulation to it would result in loss of the foot (although... this could do something for the sympathy factor in solution #2)
4. Crutches, not just for hitting annoying siblings, they are rather good for transportation. However, realise quickly that while doing stairs despite the fact that you now have a foot and two pegs to help you along, the pegs can often slip. If you start to fall, try to land on something soft, like a parent, a sibling or a beloved childhood pet.
Solution? Always get someone to walk behind you so you have something to break your fall. But try to be careful, if you break them worse then you yourself are broken, you may not be so special anymore.
5. Now that you have a broken foot, you realise that you cannot be the physically active person (*cough*) that you strive to be. Upon realising this, you need to figure out ways to deal with your boredom.
Solution? Paint your cast, don't let people sign it, if you paint it, some day it could be worth money. Watch all the Star Wars Episodes, and every single disney movie you can reach. And... Start writing up corny guides on how to deal with your broken foot.
So anywho. I've broken a bone in my foot, and i'm stuck in a cast for at least 2 weeks. My foot had hurt on friday after a particuarily long walk, and then on Saturday I played soccer which aggrivated it, on Sunday I went walking at the therapeutic riding program for about 5 hours... and then on Sunday morning (at around 2:36 am (i'm a clock hound)) I tripped on my dog, fell down the stairs and slammed my foot into a wall (ie. I kicked it hard).
Unfortunately for my foot, the wall did not move, but the bones in my foot did. So after some screaming on my part, barking on my dogs part (I got her worked up) and confused snorting on my dads part. I was taken to hospital. After 2 hours in emergency, they finally processed me. And I got a nifty cast.
Yesterday was spent sleeping, and painting my cast to look like a bunny slipper. My dog is feeling guilty about making me trip and is following me around. I think she is developing a taste for my cast because she keeps licking it. Either that, or theres something in the paint I used 0.o
Ah well. I've never broken my foot before, only my toes my fingers, my ribs and once I chipped my wrist. Anyone with tips on how to survive this outrage (for that is what it is), will recieve not one, but one and 3/17ths of a cookie!
 Evisceration is a sign of respect.