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 Post subject: Accident on Main Street
PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 5:56 pm 
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As some of you already know from reading my LJ, I got into an accident on Tuesday :( Here's how it happened:

"So, for those of you that did not listen to my phone posts, I got into an accident yesterday trying to go to the Post office. It was the worst experience of my life. I was turning left, and the other car swerved out of their lane, and slammed right into me going about 45 miles an hour. I was on 2 wheels and almost flipped over, but ended up surviving with minimal damage. I have blood vessles broken in my shoulder and chest, and the marks to prove it, but I'll be fine physically. The driver of the other car possibly knocked her teeth out on the steering wheel, her mouth was covered in blood and it was dripping down her arm. I will never ever for the rest of my life forget the scared look in her eyes. I shook, I shook with rage, I shok with fear, I just shook. I have never been so scared in my life. They towed the car away, I'm thinking "Oh, the axle is just bent" Oh god no. Of course not. That woman bent my ENTIRE FRAME. 900 dollars go down the hole. Wonderful. Just. wonderful.

Even worse, I got cited for the accident. Failure to yield to oncoming traffic. stupid BG cop. He didn't even allow me to explain my side of the story, nor did he allow me to call my insurance company. I called legal aid today, I'm going to contest the ticket in court. My ticket should hopefully be thrown out."

Posted directly from my LJ

So please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as my court date is the 20th, and I'm still dealing with some emotional scars and the obvious physical ones.

I'm back, and I've missed you guys :)


<STOWA|Sleep> my sister questioned the title. "Half Blooded Prince? Does that mean he's a Moogle"

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 6:02 pm 
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:o :hug: We're here for you :) That must have been really scary, and I can't believe that they're having a go at you for it??? Can't you claim for the cost of the repairs or something anyway? Its not like its your fault :x If they swerved into your lane, then they are in the wrong, not you. You can't expect something like that to happen. Just stay positive, you should be fine :)


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 6:32 pm 
Beyond Godly
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I hate police sometimes... don't worry you'll get through this :hug: We're routing for you! You'll win we all believe in you!

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 8:17 pm 
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Oh my..
The closest I can get to relating to that is when my brother rolled his car and it was so bad the roof was touching the floor.

*hugs* Police can suck at times.


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PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 8:36 pm 
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I can't even begin to imagine how you must have been feeling at the time. My thoughts are with you at this tough time. And that is just extra bad luck about the cop. Like you really needed that...

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 9:07 pm 
Beyond Godly
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*hugs* Don't worry. You'll pull through. :)

I hate people like that. :roll:

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 3:32 am 
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I'm so sorry you had to deal with that. The only accident I've been in was when I was too young to remember it...

Good luck at your court date!

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 5:47 pm 
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Thank you to everyone for the hugs and kind words. It's been a really hard last few days, and I'm not exactly sleeping still.

I met with a lawyer yesterday to contest the ticket, but he said we won't win. Even though the other car swerved out of their lane to avoid having to stop, I still was supposed to yield to them. Hard to yield when you don't know it's coming right?

I don't have comprehensive damage coverage or collision damage coverage on my insurance, so the 900 dollars is coming out of my own already straped for cash pockets. I may actually not be able to go to school the fall because of having to pay for this, the increase in my own insurance, the horrifying thought of maybe being sued by the other accident person, plus already having to pay college bills. :s I'm stressing out a bit about it, that's for sure!

My truck won't be fixed until Monday by the earliest, causing me to have to rent a car instead since I do work out of town as well as in town. >_< I already missed one day of work with my other job, going in tomorrow and having to explain why I missed work on Wednesday ought to be fun. Maybe I should just hand them the ticket that I got from the policeman!


<STOWA|Sleep> my sister questioned the title. "Half Blooded Prince? Does that mean he's a Moogle"

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 11:46 pm 
Beyond Godly
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meowth1982 wrote:
Thank you to everyone for the hugs and kind words. It's been a really hard last few days, and I'm not exactly sleeping still.

I met with a lawyer yesterday to contest the ticket, but he said we won't win. Even though the other car swerved out of their lane to avoid having to stop, I still was supposed to yield to them. Hard to yield when you don't know it's coming right?

I don't have comprehensive damage coverage or collision damage coverage on my insurance, so the 900 dollars is coming out of my own already straped for cash pockets. I may actually not be able to go to school the fall because of having to pay for this, the increase in my own insurance, the horrifying thought of maybe being sued by the other accident person, plus already having to pay college bills. :s I'm stressing out a bit about it, that's for sure!

My truck won't be fixed until Monday by the earliest, causing me to have to rent a car instead since I do work out of town as well as in town. >_< I already missed one day of work with my other job, going in tomorrow and having to explain why I missed work on Wednesday ought to be fun. Maybe I should just hand them the ticket that I got from the policeman!

Oh, Meowth, I feel so bad for you. I don't understand how you are responsible. I suggest that you talk with the policeman's supervisor about this one. In my state (Illinois), a ticket is not given unless either the policeman witnesses the accident or it is clearly obvious that one person was at fault. And, it doesn't seem to be the case here. Perhaps you should fire that lawyer and find one who will be on your side when you go to court over this.

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 10:06 am 
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meowth1982 wrote:
Thank you to everyone for the hugs and kind words. It's been a really hard last few days, and I'm not exactly sleeping still.

I met with a lawyer yesterday to contest the ticket, but he said we won't win. Even though the other car swerved out of their lane to avoid having to stop, I still was supposed to yield to them. Hard to yield when you don't know it's coming right?

I don't have comprehensive damage coverage or collision damage coverage on my insurance, so the 900 dollars is coming out of my own already straped for cash pockets. I may actually not be able to go to school the fall because of having to pay for this, the increase in my own insurance, the horrifying thought of maybe being sued by the other accident person, plus already having to pay college bills. :s I'm stressing out a bit about it, that's for sure!

My truck won't be fixed until Monday by the earliest, causing me to have to rent a car instead since I do work out of town as well as in town. >_< I already missed one day of work with my other job, going in tomorrow and having to explain why I missed work on Wednesday ought to be fun. Maybe I should just hand them the ticket that I got from the policeman!

That sounds don't deserve this. You seem like a strong person though. You'll get through this. As long as you don't look away from the light at the end of the tunnel then everything will be fine :)

"I am a sly cat, I am a summer wind, I am birds in flight, I am the sun, I am the sea, I am me!"

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 10:38 am 
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Oh bugger, this must really suck :( Well, here's to hoping that you win this case and don't have to pay for somebody else's faults.

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 12:00 pm 
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The accident I was in wasn't funny, either.

So, I was in the bus, chewing gum, I put the last piece of Hubba Bubba MAX into my mouth and then, it hit. BAM! A stupid young stupid idiot snobby idiot inpatient IDIOT turned so fast while we were moving in the bus, I fell onto the ground of the bus and started to choke on my gum. >.< I had to swallow it. It was painful as it grinded down my throat, an un-chewed piece of hard Hubba Bubba MAX. I was fine after. But there was a sudden sore feeling to my throat. The Ambulance came. One lady fell of the bus and broke her lens popped out of her glasses. Yikes.

When I got home, I noticed I just got a sore throat.

.....And then I found out I wasted a piece of gum.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 12:48 pm 
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I can't help but feel sorry for the woman and you... sue the cop! Sue him (or her)!!!


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PostPosted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 2:34 pm 
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Omgosh meowth1982.. that's horrible :o

:hug: Hope you're feeling better. At least you're alright, that's what matters the most. You can always make another $900 but you can't make another you.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 6:34 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Pokemon Kid wrote:
The accident I was in wasn't funny, either.

So, I was in the bus, chewing gum, I put the last piece of Hubba Bubba MAX into my mouth and then, it hit. BAM! A stupid young stupid idiot snobby idiot inpatient IDIOT turned so fast while we were moving in the bus, I fell onto the ground of the bus and started to choke on my gum. >.< I had to swallow it. It was painful as it grinded down my throat, an un-chewed piece of hard Hubba Bubba MAX. I was fine after. But there was a sudden sore feeling to my throat. The Ambulance came. One lady fell of the bus and broke her lens popped out of her glasses. Yikes.

Eek. I was in a bus accident too last October - the bus was slowing for a bus stop on a main road between towns and a fully loaded goods lorry smacked into the back of the bus, and the lorry was speeding to make it even worse :/ I got severe whiplash and back pains, the works really, and had to get taken off to hospital and stuff and I just missed all my final uni exams because of it still :/ And now I have to get physiotherapy as it came back even worse than it was after xmas. Sigh.

What makes it worse is I'll probably have to go to court to get my compensation as they offered my boyfriend more than me even though he's completely recovered and I'm still pretty incapacitated (can't carry anything, travel far, work this summer or, get this, sit in normal seats *fumes*). Apparently (say solicitors) it's because I'm a) a student so in need of money, and b) a woman so they think I won't stand up to them. And I wouldn't if it wasn't for my mum prodding me in the back to stand up for my rights, hehe. The idea of going to court terrifies me though.

Good luck in court meowth, sounds like you're having a really crappy and unfair time. I'm so glad you weren't hurt in the accident and I hope it all gets better for you and maybe you should get a second opinion from other lawyers? Good luck anyway *crosses fingers for you*

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