As some of you already know from reading my LJ, I got into an accident on Tuesday

Here's how it happened:
"So, for those of you that did not listen to my phone posts, I got into an accident yesterday trying to go to the Post office. It was the worst experience of my life. I was turning left, and the other car swerved out of their lane, and slammed right into me going about 45 miles an hour. I was on 2 wheels and almost flipped over, but ended up surviving with minimal damage. I have blood vessles broken in my shoulder and chest, and the marks to prove it, but I'll be fine physically. The driver of the other car possibly knocked her teeth out on the steering wheel, her mouth was covered in blood and it was dripping down her arm. I will never ever for the rest of my life forget the scared look in her eyes. I shook, I shook with rage, I shok with fear, I just shook. I have never been so scared in my life. They towed the car away, I'm thinking "Oh, the axle is just bent" Oh god no. Of course not. That woman bent my ENTIRE FRAME. 900 dollars go down the hole. Wonderful. Just. wonderful.
Even worse, I got cited for the accident. Failure to yield to oncoming traffic. stupid BG cop. He didn't even allow me to explain my side of the story, nor did he allow me to call my insurance company. I called legal aid today, I'm going to contest the ticket in court. My ticket should hopefully be thrown out."
Posted directly from my LJ
So please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as my court date is the 20th, and I'm still dealing with some emotional scars and the obvious physical ones.
I'm back, and I've missed you guys

<STOWA|Sleep> my sister questioned the title. "Half Blooded Prince? Does that mean he's a Moogle"