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 Post subject: Tips for a broken collar bone
PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 8:13 pm 
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I was stupid and fell off a horse last night.
I've broken my collar bone, and shredded my left shoulder, left knee, and given myself a 5 inch gash along my side. Thusly, i'm in pain (not to mention various other cuts and bruises).
And i'm wondering if anyone else has ever broken their collar bone? It's my left one thats broken, and i'm looking for tips to get past this horrible feeling.
I'd also like to point out, that if I hadn't been wearing my helmet, I would've been made into road soup. Always wear a helmet! It saved my life last night (seriously). My horse (who is allright, just a bit scraped on a leg), nearly fell on me (but for the grace that is my reflexes, I jumped) going at a full gallop down the road. She wasn't out of control, but she was going fast, and she veered to one side, tilting dangerously, and I shifted my weight at the wrong time. It was a split second thing. And I came off the worse for it. And again. HELMETS ARE GOOD!

Anyone with tips, advice, or something to make me laugh (anecdotes are cool), would be given cookies and a grateful smile on my part.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 8:21 pm 
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Hmm...well, if you're covered in cuts, aspirin = bad. Let's start there.

Other than that, just don't try to do any heavy lifting, and don't try to do any climbing, either. The pain should actually ease up in the first couple of days, so you've got that going for you.

Side note: Cats have collarbones, but they don't attach to anything. It's just a bone floating between two muscles. Neat, huh?


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PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 9:47 pm 
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Maybe see a doctor! No, you'll already have done that.


Just dont do anything. Then it'll get better. Not tough!

My friend broke her collarbone, when she fell over. It was an endless source of amusement for me. Why did she try to break her fall with her collar? Who knows.

Best of luck in your recovery.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 10:56 pm 
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Oh for the luck of helmets... I was road riding once and was galloping down the road (completely out of control), and had to bail off since we were coming to pavement and I'm not going to gallop through a villiage. Didn't do a good job and I landed head first in the ditch and gave myself a concussion. Now I always wear one.

Anyways... So this is slightly more on topic... Um..
Someone I know broke her collar bone and now she can lick her elbow.


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PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 10:59 pm 
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Oh my! I'm glad you're okay... shall take your advice on helmets perhaps, mm...

I'll ask my mom when she gets home tonight, she broke her collarbone when she was a kid...


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PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 12:17 am 
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I don't have anything helpful to add either, but when I was in elementary school, a girl in my class broke her collar bone because she tripped when her shoes were untied. So... the best I can say is always tie your shoes. (=


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PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 12:32 am 
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Well you shouldn't move it, and that's probably a lot harder than it sounds. I wouldn't move anything near it very much too. Don't lift anything, force yourself to stand in a straight, rigid posture for long periods of time, and do anything that would cause you to bounce (boat riding, jumping, horseback riding, etc.).

Yes, I'm still alive...still alive...

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 1:09 am 
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Horseback riding, bike riding... anything that could make me fall is really out of the question for the next two months. Apparently I should be able to drive again in about 3-4 weeks.

Thanks for the advice. I'm not sure what pain med i'm on... (they told me last night but I was a bit hopped up on morphine), but it seems to be doing it's job.

I also managed to get a shirt on... which if anyone whose broken their collar bone can tell you... is a very big deal. Anywho. Thanks for all the kind words, it's made me smile, and it's a nice feeling at the moment to be able to do so.

On the upside. I found out I got a 1000 dollar scholarship from my college to continue at Uni this fall. Makes me happy.
Oh. And definately no heavy lifting. It's hard enough to pick up a phone let alone pick up something weightier!

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 1:49 am 
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*hands Inrun a chicken noodle soup cookie and a warm blankie*

OK, didn't you just break your foot? And have to use crutches for awhile?
When you are old and grey, this will be the year that you will remember as the year of broken bones.

I am glad to hear that, for the most part, you are OK. No brains spilling out and such. But, ouch, those sound like some nasty gashes. Something topical with a painkiller in it might help. I know that Neosporin comes with a painkiller. Maybe your doctor or the pharmacist can suggest something.

Glad to hear that the horse is OK, as well. Thank goodness, he (she?) didn't break anything.

When I was a teenager, oh so many lifetimes ago, I was riding a pony bareback and he threw me after getting spooked by some strange noise. I landed in pony poo, to put it bluntly. And, broke my upper arm. Thank goodness for that soft pony poo to cushion the blow. I swear, it is a true story. Nothing like going to the emergency room smelling oh so, sweet. Needless to say, never went bareback again. Never had a helmet, either, but it sounds like a good idea.

I do hope that you are in a sling or a brace. Sling is better tolerated, but the brace makes sure that everything stays in place. If you can tolerate it, I suggest taking advil once they take you off of the morphine.

And, about getting a shirt on. If you aren't going out anywhere, I suggest getting a big button down shirt (like maybe your dad's?). If it isn't short sleeved, cut off the sleeves or at least make them short-sleeved. And then cut a slit up the back almost to the collar. It is a lot easier to get a shirt like that on. Once it is on, have someone roll the two slits in back together (like how a french roll looks in a woman's hair) and put a few safety pins throughout that roll. And, you are dresssed without too much pain.

And, congrats on the scholarship!!!! Hopefully, you will be healed up in time for the start of the school year.

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 2:38 am 
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Heh. Oh Mi'lady Morningstar. Thats a good story about landing in the pony poo. I've done that... though i've never broken anything going down and doing so.

I'm actually wearing one of my dads button up short sleeved shirts. They cut apart my shirts last night (I was wearing two, still got scraped badly through them), and it was a bit painful when they had to peel the one part of hte shirt off my body (the blood had it glued on). But whatever.

I'm in a brace for it, which is good. it'll keep the bone in place better, and i'll be wearing it for 2 months.

And you're telling me i've broken alot of bones? I seem to remember a certain story about you breaking your thigh. Tsk.

I was off of the morphine last night, and now i'm on something called emtec (emtex? bleh, whatever). So i'm suriviving just fine.

Still... i'd like to find out what happened to my candy. I had reeses pieces and a box of nerds (and a couple jaw breakers) and candy right now would be simply marvellous. But apparently... I don't know where I left it. I guess I got bonked on the head a bit harder then I realised *chuckle*

*gives everyone cookies, lots and lots of cookies* now to go find something sweet to eat.

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 3:00 am 
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Oh, I wish I could send you some candy through the internet. My daughter has a whole big box of rainbow nerds just sitting here (did you know that they were made right here in Chicago?).

I wasn't saying that you had broken a lot of bones. Actually, all of these broken bones reminded me of my stint of broken-boneness. Thrown from the pony in September with a broken arm. Broke my leg the following February. And, no it wasn't my thigh--though the cast did go up to my thigh. It was both bones in my lower left leg. While skiing. Going up the hill. An amazing feat!!!! (my pants had to get cut off as well. Brand new jeans!) Then once the cast got off, the doctor discovered that I had a hairline fracture in the other leg--due to all of the stress put on that leg while I was on crutches. (What can I say. I never drank milk as a child).

So, as of now, I do have you beat. :P

I hope you feel better soon, sweets. But, hey, if the parents are feeling bad for you, milk it for all its worth!!!!!

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 5:48 pm 
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I'm home alone today, and starting to lose my mind. Heh. Whoops.

It just took me half an hour to work my way out of bed, which is brutal. Can't push up on my arms. *Shakes head* It's frustrating. I'm an active person (believe it or not) so this is my hell.

Wish I had nerds... *sighs* I do somewhere, don't know where they are though. Strewth... wish I did know where. Candy would be great right now.

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 6:39 pm 
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Perhaps it is a good time to build a steady relationship with your TV if you have one handy.

If this does not appeal to you, find a delivering gorcery to bring you nerds to gourge upon until you are satisfied.

Other than that, do not attempt heavy lifting, boxing, or japanese gameshows and you should be fine by the time you have been told.

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 7:31 pm 
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Christopher wrote:
Other than that, do not attempt heavy lifting, boxing, or japanese gameshows and you should be fine by the time you have been told.

Good advice. I'll definately stay away from the japanese game shows...

And in better news. I found my candy. Go me.

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 8:14 pm 
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ahoteinrun wrote:
Christopher wrote:
Other than that, do not attempt heavy lifting, boxing, or japanese gameshows and you should be fine by the time you have been told.

Good advice. I'll definately stay away from the japanese game shows...

And in better news. I found my candy. Go me.

Thank goodness, I was about ready to drive up to Canada and find you some.

All that talk of candy got Iggy Pop's song stuck in my head. You know: "Candy, Candy , Candy I can't let you go. All my life you're haunting me. I loved you so."

I swear I can hear him and Kate Pierson singing it as I write this. Maybe I need some candy.

*pats Inrun on head* Feel better soon, sweetie.

Tested made this fabulous set for me!!! Isn't it great?

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