Well.. I dunno about putting bleach on cat pee.. isn't bleach and ammonia deadly together

But yeah.. my cat is spayed. I have no idea why she did it. She's healthy as far as I can tell, her cat box is fine, we haven't tortured her or anything to make her want to punish us

Actually we've been giving her alot of attention.
We don't let any of our animals into our bedroom without us being in there. And then it's only for a few minutes. We don't let them in there for long mainly b/c of fleas. Nothing worse than getting eaten up while you're trying to sleep.
But anywho....
She would jump up on the bed and lay down... never gave the impression of wanting to pee on it.
But this time.. she jumped up and immediately started. I didn't even realize what she was doing until I finally noticed the way she was positioned.
Only thing I can think of that might've upset our kitty is opening up this back room that she slept in most of the time. The door to it has glass panels.. and one of them was taken out so she could jump in and out of the room as she pleased.
We leave the door open to it now to cool it down since we don't have our central air on anymore.
Could be mad that she doesn't have her privacy back there any longer. *shrugs*
Oh well.. she's just gonna have to get used to it if that's what her problem is.