(this is really long)
A good, solid 4 problems that arise in less than 48 hours. Anyway, where to begin... this week sucked. I'll say that much. Also, I'm Christian, so some parts of my religion may show: remember that my religion is NOT the main factor here, so I don't want a debate ovfer the issue. Moving on:
So yesterday during a class me and my friend drew on each other, and my teacher got angry so he made us write a paragraph on what we did, why it was wrong, and to get our parents to sign it. I already knew that everything would virtually go downhill from there: my mother was SUPER-STRICT for the wrong reasons. For example, she always compares me to the 'other children' in EVERYTHING, like: 'OMG, YOUR PIANO SUCKS, LOOK AT THIS OTHER KID HE'S BEEN PLAYING FOR HALF THE TIME YOU'VE BEEN PLAYING AND HE'S ALREADY AHEAD OF YOU!!!' and 'OMG, YOU GOT IN TROUBLE NO ONE ELSE HAS GOTTEN IN TROUBLE YET
THIS EARLY IN THE YEAR (actually, my friend's already got a detention)!!!'.
Now this, 'believe it or not',
Now when will they (both my mother and father) ever see that though I may try my hardest, I may not be Mr. Beethoven-Child-Prodigy or Steven Hawkings-REBORN! I'm NOT the perfect little children
THEY were, and whether or not they're going to adapt to that or not, the lifestyle today is CHANGING, and is much different from how they grew up. Like, in China: parents and teachers are SUPER-STRICT and TIGHT (not cool but 'TIGHT' TIGHT), and I live in Canada. Some of you may remember this problem from an earlier board: they won't see that a Canadian lifestyle and how you can treat your children and compare them to others are much different to China. Like, for example, after a horrific piano lesson one day, my mom was like, 'WHY CAN'T YOU BE PERFECT?' and then I'm like, 'Mom, think about it: if there weren't any
IM-perfect children, then what would be perfect? If everyone was the same, with no faults, what kind of a world would that be? God made us with faults so that we are imperfect, because only God can be perfect because he's God.' She didn't really seem to understand though.
Anyway, after I wrote a lovely paragraph and gave it to her to sign when she was stressed (OOPS!), she yelled at me. (dur!) I TRIED to tell her that me and my friend were just teasing, but she thinks that we got into big fight, but all we did was DRAW ON EACH OTHER. DRAW ON EACH OTHER! I mean, I get into lots of little incidents at school, but apparently my mother, my perfect CHINESE mother,
NEVER GOT IN TROUBLE ONCE FOR ALL THE 12 OR 13 YEARS SHE WAS IN SCHOOL. HOW IN THE HELL IS THAT POSSIBLE?!??? My teacher seemed to think that this was serious, but you can't HONESTLY call it MY fault; my friend was bugging me so I drew on her and she drew on me, case closed. Like, look at it this way: these two people bullied the HELL out of me last year and their parents never even needed to know, but I get in trouble for DRAWING ON SOMEONE and my mom has to know.
OMG! Just, OMG at that.
All of the above is not the actual problem. In the morning, I tried to explain to her that we were just teasing each other and it wasn't really a big fight, but my mother, though she works in an English enviroment, has some trouble comprehending some English paraphrases. This combined with the Chinese lifestyle she's accostumed to ruins everything.
She said that if I get in trouble ONE MORE TIME this year, she's going to draw me out of school.
Like, WHAT?????????????????????????????? I love my school, and I was just getting into it too, and it ROCKS, and I've made so many new friends and even had my first crush this month, and it's a Christian private school, and she's talking about taking me out. I LOVE MY SCHOOL, AND SHE WANTS ME TO TAKE ME OUT OF A PLACE WHERE THE PRESENCE OF GOD FULFILLS THE CORRIDORS AND CLASSROOMS AND THE PEOPLE ARE
A school where there is equality, where almost everyone has at least friend, where loners are only when you can't find any of your friends or you choose to be alone, and the entire area is filled with the presence of God: now what kind of a Christian would WANT to leave that?
Apparently, my mother. She never backs anything as 'Christian' or have any kind of thing that's God-related, even though we're a Christian family. When she told me that she might draw me out of my school, I was TICKED. TICKED OVER THE TOP TICKED. It's unreasonable, just simply so.
So yes, that's my first problem. Lalala.
I told someone who I liked and, well, look at it this way: I told five people, and then THEY told five people, and then THEY told five people, and BAM! the entire grade knows.
Me and the person I liked, though this person already KNEW that I liked her, were both angry at this guy for telling everyone, and I think her feelings for me have dropped from I-dunno to OMG, so basically I have NO CHANCE with her now, or at least not until all this calms down. :'(
(yes this is small but meh)
'tis my friends once again. Last year they bullied the hell out of me, and once I've told them what they were doing they've been acting so much better now.
They always give these kind of put-down comments towards me, just like they did last year, and they're EXTREMELY cocky. I've learned of their pasts a bit, and I've found out that they, shall we say, 'charm and manipulate' people for their needs and that they were loners. WELL, I CAN SEE WHY!!! They're REALLY scary, and, well, just plain scary. Now I do say that my school doesn't have any loners, but, well, let's just make this one an exception, mmkay?
Anyway, I don't know why, but whenever my best friend goes, 'Of course, I'm more beautifuler and more popular than all of you!', I get TICKED. REALLY TICKED. FOR NO APPARENT REASON. I'm the one with a multitude of friends, and I don't know whether or not it's their secret desire to become super-popular, or if they're jealous at me, or if they're just plain weird, or their supernatural care for people that were 'loners-gone-cool', they just ANNOY ME SO MUCH WITH THAT KIND OF THING.
Not to mention at band camp: make one insult to THEM and they spaz out and totally ignore me. Can you REALLY SAY OMG X1000000000000000000000000000! They insult me 10 times as much as I diss them in a
DAY, but you don't see me getting smurf at them, do you?
I talked to someone about it and they suggested two things:
a) They don't like me anymore and they were just keeping me a friend so they can annoy me. (see the above about manipulating people)
b) I should get new friends.
I like b, but WHERE would I get new best friends? I have a lot of half-friendships going on, and I could try that, but what if it doesn't work out?
:'(. (I need something to conclude this, lol)
THE FOURTH PROBLEM. (guys only unless you really want to, girls

I think I have a bad odour. The end. I could try de-odourant, but one day, when I was changing (I got to a private school so we have uniforms x_x) I took a whiff of my shirt and OMG. Is that what people smell when I'm around all day? It smells like corroded metal and sweat... HELP.
Well, a big problems, a moderate problem, and two smaller problems: the most I've ever had to with-held. If you awnt I can change the font type of the basic problems so you can comprehend it more, lol.