Well these are my guinea pigs, Sushi and Fugu. They are quite adorable as you can well see. Sushi is the black and cream one, and Fugu is the brown one. They get along quite well together and now cry when they are seperated (but only for a few seconds). They are very very sweet.
This is Fugu on her lonesome. Fugu was the second GP I bought, and she is awesome. She is very quiet, very calm (now that she has calmed down after the initial shock of moving in) and she likes to cuddle. She lies stretched out in her cage on her pant leg (its about a ten inch length of fleece pant leg, they love it) and she cuddles in it and rolls on it and generally is adorable.
Her hobbies include, nibbling on my coat, chewing a box at 3-6 in the morning and tipping over her food dish (it is heavy, she just does it to make me twitch)
And this is my baby girl Sushi. Shes my little wirey girl, super adorable and awesome. As you can see, that is her hiding in her pant leg. She likes to sit on my lap and lick my forearm while I am studying. Sometimes she gets over enthusiastic and nibbles, but it is never too hard.
Her hobbies include ripping around the cage flipping shavings everywhere, eating and popcorning in her box. Very adorable.
So those are my Guinea pigs! I hope you enjoy the photos as much as I do!

Evisceration is a sign of respect.