A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...
There was a cliché opening phrase. Anyway, it's such a universal thing, that just about everybody knows about it, and likes something of it. I've almost always been a Star Wars fan, and have seen the movies, played the games, bought the merchandise, and read the books. All quite good.
Now for the polling part, there's the big one overtop of this thread (I'm trying to keep out the 1142 million book factions), and then lots of questions below.
Dark Side or
Light Side? While Sith lightning is fun, the light siders seem to prevail and achieve greater strength.
Colour of your Lightsaber? Green is goooood.
Best Duel? I think my favourite duel has ended up as Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon vs. Darth Maul. While I didn't like the rather abrupt end (Um, Darth Maul had the high ground?), the choreography was great. Darth Maul also did alot of kicking and spinning.
Favourite Ship/Fighter/Ground Vehicle? I've always been partial to the A-Wing. Perfectly shaped to fit into Executors command bridge

Character? R2D2. Plain and simple.
Battle? The battle over Coruscant in the beginning of Episode three was fantastic. If it had been extended a further ten mins with more footage of captial-captial ship battle it would have been even better.