Alex wrote:
I've got red hair which tends to stand out, and I get a lot of comments about it.
Most common would be people walking past and yelling out "wranger!"
I'm over it, people've done it to me for years. If they want to insult me because of a physical feature, they can go ahead. Though if they've got nothing better to do than to insult me for that, they could at least come up with some new, decent, insults. I've heard all the existing ones.. and they're not exactly amusign anymore.
I always thought it was spelt "ranger"

Yeah, people call me that too... and I used to be really insulted and hurt when hearing that, but now when people tease me for having red hair I just ignore them. I mean, what is so insulting about red hair. That is like teasing someone because they have green eyes... it isn't a defficiency at all, just another colour...
...on another note, how cool would it be to have purple eyes

sirclucky wrote:
I personally find that when it comes to appearence stuff(like hair color, eye color ect...) most of the time the people who bash it are, infact, jelous of the other persons red hair or whatever else they are bashing. They just seem to express it in odd, rude ways. Id just ignore them if I were you.
Well... I don't think it is jealousy... The whole "people bully you cause they are jealous" thing is a giant scam to make kids feel better about themselves... (sometimes)... Like in Primary school kids got teased for being fat... People were definately not jealous of this kid...
Though sometimes it is jealousy... But only if you have it better... If someone is teasing you because you're smart, then they are probably jealous...
Hope this didn't crush anyones spirits