I'm bored with life at the moment so I decided to study for some GCSE's part time, as I only got three of them when I was at school; two for English (literature and language) and Religious Education. My brother passed all of his and two of his A-levels and it's kind of made me feel quite dumb, so being bored with life, I thought, why not kill two birds with one stone and relieve my boredom AND get more intelligent? So yeah, I've decided I'm going to do GCSE Psychology and possibly two others, but I can't decide which others to do. I was going to do Law, but reading about it, I don't think I'd be able to cope as it sounds incredibly hard. Another one was an Adobe Photoshop course, helping artists to get better at using the program as it's quite complicated to use. I thought that one might be quite fun and seeing as I use Adobe Photoshop a lot, it might be good to get more practice at it. Any other suggestions? What are your personal experiences with courses and what do you think would suit me? The Psychology course is set in stone, so I don't need any advice about that.
"I am a sly cat, I am a summer wind, I am birds in flight, I am the sun, I am the sea, I am me!"
Neo account: ginger23456