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 Post subject: Confessions of Ammer
PostPosted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 8:39 pm 
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Nifty title eh? Anyway, I was posting this because I am really angry and I don't if I'm taking this over the top or what not. Here is my story:

Today in class I was talking about Evanescence (Shocking, yes I know). I was talking about their new DVD coming out November 23rd and a girl turned around in my class (Let's call her L) and said "Oh my gosh Ammer (Not my real name)! Evanescence's new single (Missing) was on the radio today!" And I freaked out. And this guys (lets call him J) said "Oh my gosh" just to mimic her and he always tries to gain the spotlight in our class. Than he said, "Oh my gosh! Evanescence!" to mimic me. Even though I didn't say "Oh my gosh".

Anywho, he started picking fun of Evanescence (Even though he has their CD and likes it) to make me mad. He than started to compare them to Hilary Duff. Listen I know that Evanescence isn't hardcore rock but they are in no way like Hilary Duff. Anyways, I got angry and started fight back saying Evanescence is a rock band and he said only 'true' rock bands are 'ACDC' and 'Led Zepplin' and crap. This I know. But Evanescence is a rock band. They are either Alternative Rock or Gothic Rock. I personally choose Alternative Rock. Anywho, we got into a huge arguement and I ended up leaving because I said "Think whatever you want. They're rock you moron,"

I went back to my friend and started to talk. J than walked to where the other guys were (We have few guys in our class because it's Extended French) and he started to talk about Evanescence. Now obviously I listened and one guy said "Evanescence is gay and whoever likes it is too". This fired me up. I got really angry and began to cuss at him and all the rest of the guys.

They all said they liked a few songs by them but Evanescence is supposed to be pop. And they will always be pop. Which got me even more steamed. Now, what they said next almost made me punch one of them. They said, "Amy Lee is a slut. A skank."

I lost it.

I began to defend her like mad and I swear, no one was listening to me. Everyone was ganging up on me and no one was on my side. I felt so defenseless and I was angry the whole day.


Now, I think I might've been a little overboard but Evanescence's music has helped me so much that I can't stand by and let anyone classify it as pop or make fun of it. This goes along with the singer and band as well.

Most likely everyone will say I over reacted but I don't think I did that much. I was simply angry and I just don't know.

Whadya guys think?

Edit: Edited for taking out my creative words.[

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Last edited by Ammer on Thu Nov 04, 2004 9:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 9:36 pm 
Beyond Godly
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I think the males in that particular Extended French need to cool down & think about their actions more carefully.

Edit 1; But honestly, Ammer, stick up for what you believe in. Don't let others persuade to otherwise. Don't resort to abusive language though, think quicker & be smarter; get ahead ;)

Edit 2: Medli: My name, as exampled in the hyperlink to the left & above, doesn't have a capital X. :)

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Last edited by Paul on Thu Nov 04, 2004 9:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 9:40 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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Welcome to my world. I have to deal with the same thing. (Can you guess why?)

Anyways, the cussing was not needed. But you have all rights to defend them because they were very rude to say those things.

EDIT: I agree with xerai.


Last edited by Kitten Medli on Fri Nov 05, 2004 12:32 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 9:48 pm 
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Kitten Medli wrote:
Welcome to my world. I have to deal with the same thing. (Can you guess why?)

Anyways, the cussing was not needed. But you have all rights to defend them because they were very rude to say those things.

EDIT: I agree with Xerai.

I see what you mean. I know I make fun of Clay and I know that's mean but I don't batter him down constantly. I made fun of him like once or twice but if I know someone likes him, I'll say a little thing but quiet down because it may offend them.

And I know resorting to cussing was immature xerai, but you know, I was mad. I guess I shouldn't let my anger get the best of me.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 10:09 pm 
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Les garcons dans ta classe sont des cochons :P

But seriously, they are allowed to have their opinions, but to pick fun at people who like certain things is just mean. You didn't over react I don't think :)

BTW: I am in French Immersion(I live in Canada...La plus bonne pays dans la monde) :D


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PostPosted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 10:22 pm 
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Well, considering that even you think they were saying those things to get a rise out of you, yes, you did overreact. People are cruel. If someone is making fun of a band that you like, let them. Be the "bigger" person and just walk away. It's not going to do you any good to throw a temper tantrum and feed into the situation. You gave them exactly what they wanted. That's just showing them that their comments got under your skin, which {again} is what they wanted.


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PostPosted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 10:23 pm 
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Don't think I'm being picked on. Or I'm a loser in my class.

This event happened and that's that. This is nothing daily.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 10:28 pm 
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express yourself, baby. if you felt the cussing was needed, cuss those jerks out if it makes you feel better.

stand up for what you believe in, no matter how small. i wish more people did so.


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PostPosted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 10:30 pm 
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I didn't even imply that it was an everyday occurence. It's obvious that they knew you liked Evanescence. "Anywho, he started picking fun of Evanescence (Even though he has their CD and likes it) to make me mad." -- In other words, you implied that he started all of this to annoy you.


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PostPosted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 11:08 pm 
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Yes I think they were out of order but when something like this happens YOU have the opportunity to be a better person and walk away. Just raise your eyebrows at them and turn your back on them, trust me it will have more effect than shouting at them. People turn off when someone shouts at them, thats why you felt that no one was listening to you because to be honest they probably stopped listening the moment you raised your voice. I know its difficult to walk away when you feel that red hot rage building up but its the best way.... believe me Ive been there!:)



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PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 1:25 am 
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When J started making fun of you and Evanesence you shouldn't've let him get under your skin. Instead say something (with the sacastic-and-you're-an-idiot voice) like "Right, they suck so much you went out and bought their CD." Then left.

With the second remark I probably would've exploded too. One, because I like Evanescence, two because Amy Lee isn't a slut so it's stupid to say that, and three because of that guy's homophobia. It's not even an insult really, I mean it's like calling someone straight. And it's lying again. :x

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 1:41 am 
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Pffft, if I was in that situation, I'd probably be so angry I'd slap them right across the face (or kick 'em in the groin, whichever seems easier). Yeah, it's the wrong thing to do, but I see it as, make 'em fear you, that way they won't bother you anymore. Wrong way of thinking, I know, but I just can't hold in anger. I've tried, I really have... and I failed in a blaze of fury (I once sweared at a guy really loudly and then flicked 'em off, but no one told on me).

So don't be like me please, and just walk it off... Put that anger in a little ball, and pretend you're throwing it at them in your mind... :lol:

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 2:18 am 
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I have to say that I'm a classic rock snob, so I'd have disagreed with you, too. Music isn't something you can definitively say "sucks" or "is good". What one person likes, another person may hate. Arguing over which type of music is better is like arguing over which flavor of candy is better. It's pointless because it's a matter of taste and opinion.

If people go out of their way to disrespect your opinion, just tell them to calm down and that it's not that big of a deal, because really, it isn't. Pink Floyd's "The Wall" had a great affect upon me, but I won't freak out on someone for hating Pink Floyd. Music is a very personal choice, and nobody should have a say in what someone else should listen to.

Remember this experience the next time you laugh at someone for listening to rap or pop. If they like it, in THEIR world, it's good music, and it's totally their business.


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PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 2:24 am 

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Your a man who likes his Evanescence.

Not sure what exactly why it infuriated you to such a point, but let people think what they want sometimes, it is just music remember, just because someone doesn't like them I guess thats just them....if someone hated the band I liked I could care less, even though were different people try not to get so bent out of shape about such things.


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PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 2:31 am 
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Articfox wrote:
Your a man who likes his Evanescence.

Not sure what exactly why it infuriated you to such a point, but let people think what they want sometimes, it is just music remember, just because someone doesn't like them I guess thats just them....if someone hated the band I liked I could care less, even though were different people try not to get so bent out of shape about such things.

However, if anybody starts insulting you about music, by all means defend yourself. And if anybody is dumb enough to get physical about it...

Palm of your heel to their jaw should do it. :D


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