I think I know what you mean, though I do not have that feeling on this forum. I have been here for several years, mostly lurking. I know nobody, so nothing has changed for me. Seeing as I barely post.
But the forum does seem less attractive to me than one I used to go to. (NNN) Mainly because of the large amount of (unwritten) rules here. And the lack of rules there. (I made sure that it stayed that way until it died.)
Yeah, actually, that's exactly what I mean. If you try to have an orderly argument with someone, nothing personal, no flames, you get warned. Most people go on and on about how this is a kid's site, but I'd like to see the actual percentage of active members under age 10.
Again, I do not know about this forum. But I do not believe that the age of a person should matter. Some things might seem inappropriate for children under 13. But then again, don't they need parental permission to have their account activated here? If they lie about their age, they have to face the consequences. (And I am sure that the majority, if not all, of the under-13 members lied) And if the parents sign the consent form, then they should know what their children will be facing. There is no need to make the forum suitable for all ages.
In regards to the community, if you want to feel it more, you got to get out there and start chatting to other members. Get to know them and vwala! ^_^ I chat to refgular members here every day and have got to know some of them very well. You can too.
I agree. This is what makes forums, and basically any website where you interact with other people, fun.
Anyway, we had this, too, at NeoNewsNow. Many of the older (though, everyone newer than me was still a newbie from my point of view. Basically anyone. [UD#13]) users started leaving at one point. Starting a chain reaction. And as more and more of the older veteran members start leaving, the forum gets boring. As you are slowly losing all your 'friends'. Indeed, you can still talk to them on AIM/MSN, by email, phone, or whatever. But the forum itself becomes a more uncomfortable place to stay.
In the short time that I have been actively browsing this part of the forum, I have seen many users leave. I doubt anyone likes seeing this, and I am sure people will miss you. Take a small break, it'll do you good.

PPT can improve, and it will.