Twinkle wrote:
Off topic: ahoteinrun, your set is gorgeous! Where did you get that pic from?
Shadowfare wrote:
I know where I've used that one before aswell, I got it from But Ahoteinrun might have got it from somewhere elses
Sorry to say but I made it. I'm not great with graphics so I just took my favorite picture from Warcraft 3 (the night elf femme) and did a simple cut on it.
I do believe the pictures on that persons site... were just edited version of the ones from Warcraft 3. And i'll quote...
Unless Indicated By * These Are Enhanced Versions Of Others Work
Displayed By Permission Of Original Artists
See? Thats my original image.
(I am not av/set gifted. hence why I use simple cuts. I will never claim to be av/set gifted. Artistic perhaps, computer wise? Never.)
Anyways. I printed my hero out and she's on my wall. She's quite spiffy, a bow weilding femme with a wolfy companion. Makes me happy.

Evisceration is a sign of respect.