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City of Heroes

Fri Jun 24, 2005 1:18 am

Does anyone here play City of Heroes? If you don't know what it is, their website is here: http://www.cityofheroes.com. Basically, you get to create your own hero, in almost anyway you like. I've seen midget snow spiders, to 8 foot tall guys in suits, to a superhero named Slurpy Man who received his powers from getting bitten by a kid on a talk show. You can pick from all sorts of powers, and eventually you can evn fly, and have super speed and other things of that nature (Personally, I'm planning on learning how to jump over buildings 8) ). You have to pay for it, but luckily, there's a free two week trial going around right now! You can check it out here: https://secure.plaync.com/cgi-bin/coh_free_trial.pl

Oh, and if you start playing, I'm playing on Freedom server (you can't transfer heroes amongst different servers, unfortunately), and my name is Zee Prowjackt. Here I am: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v157/Experiment/ZeeProwjackt.png

(For those of you who don't like reading long messages, just click the second link in the message to get a free two week trial of City of Heroes. It's really good.)

Fri Jun 24, 2005 11:45 am

Yep, I'm playing it. I got the trial. I have 3 main characters.

Mr. Nucleus
and Evil Spiker

They are all Level 5. I play on the Liberty Server. I'm not going to buy the game though. Over time It becomes boring, repetive and tedious. The character creation is nice.

Sat Jun 25, 2005 3:51 am

Yeah, the character creation is awesome. I was planning on buying the full version, but I'm not sure if I will, because this game might mess with my free time a bit too much.

Wed Jun 29, 2005 1:51 am

i got a bunch of 40s and a 50 named hot spot89

Fri Jul 01, 2005 1:44 pm

I joined up. :) My character is a feline fire mage named Mystickat. Tim signed up, too. He's a mutant with electricity powers named Electric Crash.

Fri Jul 01, 2005 9:28 pm

I play a level 19 Empathy Controller named Eye Of Serabi. It's pretty fun.

Fri Jul 08, 2005 10:03 pm

I just started playing today on the Justice server using the free trial. I play a scrapper named Kasuga Aiko. She's quite cute. ^_^ I'm enjoying it a lot more than Asheron's Call, and think I very well might subscribe once the trial is up. My husband rolled a new controller character to run around with me. We made up a story, etc for it, which adds to the enjoyability for me. Enjoyability. Is that a word? *wanders off to unpack dictionary*
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