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Wed Jul 20, 2005 6:32 am
I just started playing this..its pretty good but cometimes boring..ne of the only reason im playing this is because im a star wars fan..
im saughta stuck on the first stage..(btw this is for PC)
i need to find the voice of the maintenance officer so i can record it wiht the recorder(i already have that)..i have met the robot and talked to him but he keeps saying that he cant do it!!
anyone knows what to do?
thankx alot
Wed Jul 20, 2005 6:39 am
I saw my brother playing this game before, he beat it a few times... never played it myself though.
I think I remember the voice recorder thing being in a container somewhere... if I'm wrong, try GameFAQs. ^^;
Wed Jul 20, 2005 9:08 pm
Sunnie wrote:I think I remember the voice recorder thing being in a container somewhere... if I'm wrong, try GameFAQs. ^^;
yea...i got the voice recorder already..i just need to find his voice saying the words..thankx anyways
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