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Empire Earth 2

Sun Aug 28, 2005 11:56 am

I just downloaded the playable demo (two maps & multiplayer) from gamespot, 200megs and it took about 45 minutes, has anyone else downloaded it from somewhere?

I didn't really think the game was that spectacular. compared to age of empires 3 screenies it was pretty terrible! I've had some hankerin for some new RTS's since I played the demo for Settlers 5 (or something) Heritage of kings, and hated it, - so i've wanted to re-affirm my love!

This didn't do it I reckon, nothing really new? The guys still just stand there and shoot at eachtother and i completely OWNED the other team simply by building up a huge defence force and buildings, then going through with modern technology and alot of saved up resources. Nothing good on the AI bit then!

Granted Empire Earth demo only has 3 epochs, so it was just shooting eachother (I way prefer older style).

Anyone else played it?

Sun Aug 28, 2005 1:27 pm

I've got the original Empire Earth, does that count? :P

My Dad is nuts about that game though *shakehead*. I personally don't see what's all so grand about it. Semi-decent graphics, mediocre gameplay, and really bizzare AI.

And by the sounds of it, EE2 isn't all too different.

Bleh, forget that game, bring me Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends

Sun Aug 28, 2005 9:42 pm

I've got the original, but don't plan on getting the sequel. It does seem to be more of the same.

Mon Aug 29, 2005 4:04 am

Heritage of the Kings really wasn't a 'The Settlers' game. It was tripe.

Mon Aug 29, 2005 1:44 pm

If by that you mean it wasn't anything like the original settlers (Which were AWESOME - i love to micromanage) I agree. But you gotta speak more clearly :P
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