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The smartest way for gaming company to go...

Fri Dec 29, 2006 2:23 am

The smartest way for gaming company to go...

The following idea was presented at: http://thebestworld.forumable.net/forum ... ebestworld

Do you guys remember "Capcom vs Marvel" game? It combine Japanese and American cultures into a fighting game that gamers could enjoy either side as they play the game....

I think this kind of law should apply to action and RPG games.

For instance, if you combine Final Fantasy with Iron Man or X-Men into a huge RPG game, I guarantee the game will see twice better than FF alone. Kingdom heart was a good example. It had both Japanese and American cultures.

I think this should be the trend for next-gen consoles.

Kingdomheart proved to be a successful game. If many games can include Japanese hot games' elements and American hot games' elements, the games will be sold out madly just like PS3.

It'd be awesome that while you play Metal Gear Solid, you get to work with Iron Man to clear the bad side.

Iron Man fits well into MGS.

For Zelda you can mix Spawn into that game, by this the game might look a little violent than Zelda was, but it will also intensify its gameplay and creativity.

I love Kingdom Heart, not only would it recall my childhood memory, it also revoluted my creativity.

Some might argue that adding Japanese & American cultures into a game might seem to be a bad idea.

It really depends. Metal Gear Solid is a military-based game, so if you mix this one with Spawn, which is a Gothic style game, it will not fit. Some people don't like this idead might due to the balance of proportions.

I really like that the current Japanese developers are finding ideas to combine some great games from Japanese side and American side to innovate a whole & brand new game.

Fri Dec 29, 2006 6:05 pm

the old copying info from the internet classic just classic no offense though

Fri Dec 29, 2006 7:07 pm

I know what you mean with the whole Capcom versus Marvel being a great idea, but IMO MSG was well received by western audiences anyway so I just have a hard time accepting that it will work with all games..

Fri Dec 29, 2006 7:42 pm

adampate06 wrote:the old copying info from the internet classic just classic no offense though

Techincally, its not plagarism. They included the link where it was orginally posted, though forum posts are better when they are written by the author.

Sat Dec 30, 2006 2:23 am

Hmm... how interesting, a post from a dodgy looking forum (if you actually click on the link the only replies are people trying to advertise things in their sigs), with basically no decent grammar, and without any real relevant topic.

But really, the idea is stupid in general. Why on EARTH would any gaming company combine two perfectly original best-selling ideas into a game? Zelda and Spawn, FF and X-Men?!

Kingdom Hearts worked because they took elements from FF, characters, gameplay ideas, long-complex storyline and combined it with something that hadn't had a taste of true RPG-gaming, Disney.

If gaming companies were to all follow this suggested trend, of combining two perfectly fine, best-selling game franchises, then everyone would get real bored, real fast.

Gaming companies obviously know what they're doing already, and I don't think they really need any help from us, apart from us supporting their companies and buying their games.

Mon Jan 01, 2007 8:36 pm

I don't want to be mean or argumentative, but the day Final Fantasy merges with X-men is the day Square loses it's overall mind amongst thousands and millions of fans, me included.

Kingdom Hearts was enough, even though I liked seeing characters make cameos. (Auron! <3 )

Mon Jan 01, 2007 10:53 pm

The idea itself isn't bad, I mean, so long as you're just throwing in elements of RPGs and not actually trying to throw in Cloud/Squall/Tidus/Red Mage into some "super hero" world. (I'm assuming I mean, it's not a bad idea, but I probably wouldn't play it. I personally enjoy the Japanese culture in my games because I see the American culture stuff every single day of my life anyway, and I'm no longer that interested in the stuff that has been exposed to me constantly since I was born.

Kingdom Heart's success is that both Disney and Square had a fanbase. It probably wouldn't have been as well-received as it was if Squeenix hadn't made it and Disney had nothing to do with it. The Disney franchises worked well enough in the game, but it was just a huge money bag for the companies involved since people would just flock to it.

adampate06 wrote:the old copying info from the internet classic just classic no offense though

Err, didn't you do this yourself not too long ago on the Neopets Forums?

Mon Jan 01, 2007 11:38 pm

Personally I feel a Duke Nukem Tomb Raider crossover game would be interesting to see.

Tue Jan 02, 2007 1:47 am

Combusken BG wrote:Personally I feel a Duke Nukem Tomb Raider crossover game would be interesting to see.

Underdressed characters in networked gaming? Sounds like an MMORPG!

Plus, of course, you must consider that other than X and X-2, none of the Final Fantasy games share characters. Therefore, a game combining them wouldn't feature awesome characters, such as the FF6 characters, in exchange for having more popular blonde-haired idiots.
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