Sun Oct 24, 2004 9:10 pm
Sun Oct 24, 2004 10:02 pm
Mon Oct 25, 2004 9:44 am
Mon Oct 25, 2004 4:34 pm
Mon Oct 25, 2004 6:44 pm
Mon Oct 25, 2004 6:47 pm
Mon Oct 25, 2004 8:14 pm
Tue Oct 26, 2004 10:19 am
DS>gba>N-gage(you heard me!)>PSP
They are realeasing some movies on it (like FF7 Advent Children) but why watch a movie on a little system when you can watch it on a dvd at home?
OK, that post was a little biased but I didn't lie about anything in the post. In the end it is your call, if you want REALLY fun games with decent graphics, then get DS. If you want crummy games with purdy graphics, then get the PSP. To me, the choice is clear. I have even already reserved my ds at EBGames.
Tue Oct 26, 2004 8:18 pm
teh0mega wrote:I guess in a sense PSP does look pretty clunky I admit. But with the whole battery thing, maybe Sony includes rechargable batteries with the PSP, and a charger? When my mum bought her camera, she got a free charger and batteries with it, so it's possible...
Bleh, either way, I probably won't end up buying either of them. They'll both cost like $400 or more when they come out, and by the time they go down in price, Microsoft will jump onto the bandwagon and try making something even betterDS>gba>N-gage(you heard me!)>PSP
errrm, thats a bit rough don't you think? PSP may or may not be as good as DS, but hey, it's definately better than GBA and N-Gage.They are realeasing some movies on it (like FF7 Advent Children) but why watch a movie on a little system when you can watch it on a dvd at home?
Umm... maybe some people like watching movies in their car, or on a bus or taxi or aeroplane or.....OK, that post was a little biased but I didn't lie about anything in the post. In the end it is your call, if you want REALLY fun games with decent graphics, then get DS. If you want crummy games with purdy graphics, then get the PSP. To me, the choice is clear. I have even already reserved my ds at EBGames.
Okay, well that was very biased actually. I'm kinda sick of half of the Nintendo games, ever since Rare joined Microsoft. I mean, there's just so many times you can rescue a princess from a big smurf turtle monster before it becomes cliched. I admit there are a lot of games on PSP that will be crap, but same goes for DS, probably more so since Rare left.
I mean, how can you call Gran Turismo crummy?
Wed Oct 27, 2004 7:07 am
Wed Oct 27, 2004 11:39 pm
teh0mega wrote:Alright, hey to each their own taste, right? Some people are die hard nintendo fans, whilst others aren't. Personally, I prefer Sony, but thats just my opinion.
This reminds me very much of the Xbox vs PS2 vs Gamecube arguements I've heard before. I'm a PS2 fan, but XBox is better in a sense since it's fairly newer (i.e. better graphics).
Oh and the whole price issue is very unreliable. I remember reading somewhere that PS2 would be like $1200 when it comes out, but in fact it was significantly cheaper. Same for XBox, except I heard it'd be cheaper. So whilst you say DS will be $150, you might be right, but chances are the company might decide to bump up or even notch down the price. Or it may stay the same.
Now, about backward compatability... I find it extremely hard to imagine PSP being able to play PSOne games, sheerly becuase of the size of the disks. But if a PSP II or something came out, then chances are it too would be backwards compatable. But PSP II or whatever is not the issue, so I'll just stop talking about it
Also, you do know that it's possible to have more than 1 mature person in a car at once, and last time I checked you don't need 2 people to drive a car. And you can hardly say that PSP is 'aimed at a mature audience'. I mean, some games are, but a large percentage will be availalbe and based for younger people as well. And yeah, you're probably right about the plane thing
Anyway, we'll see whats more popular when it comes out. XBox was expected to go very poorly, yet it skyrocketed and is now competing head to head with top game consoles. By the way, I hate GBA games sheerly because they last for such a short amount of time. I've borrowed a GBA from a friend, and was able to finish most of his games in under a week. Face it, GBA games have a very minimal lifespan. Now we have to see how PSP and DS will do.
And hey, in the end, it doesn't matter which system is the best since our opinions don't earn us a single cent (unless you take one of those weird online surveys, but thats another story altogether .)
Mon Nov 01, 2004 2:56 am
DS>gba>N-gage(you heard me!)>PSP