rbpnmn wrote:
Articfox wrote:
DS nor PSP for that matter really appeal to me at all, seems like everyones in such a drug induced 3D craze that they have to have energy hungry graphics in there poclet, ok man am I exagerating...but I still think GBA is better then a PSP or DS by leaps and bounds, its timeless, got a great library, the graphics arn't nescecerrily top technology but there not supposed to be...and I'm going way off topic aint I; ok in short:
I think DS is a cool idea, I think PSP is a cool idea but people are making over them like they're these little electronic gods or something, mainly PSP just because Sony is an evil comglomerate, not as evil as Microsoft, but just a lesser of the two evils...uh, yeah....
Actually, unless you own a ton of GB/GBC games, it is impossible for the GBA to be superior to the DS because the DS runs GBA games. And the DS isn't about better graphics. It is about a whole new way to play games.
Good points, I didn't know DS could play GBA games.
Don't get me wrong though, I think its a cool idea, just nothing really that cool in my opinion, using the stylis in Metroid Prime Hunters is kinda annoying...Warioware Touched is pretty fun though overall the game library is pretty bland though...but what I'm saying is that I'm not sure if this 3D hand held thing is gonna last, it will most likely, it jus doesn't interest me though and.