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Fri Dec 10, 2004 1:57 am

I've just been made a lovely new set by r4che1 but the silly thing won't let me put it up.I don't know if the sig is showing up or not,I put the url in for the av and then it goes back to the profile page with an red outline of a box at the top....any suggestions?

Fri Dec 10, 2004 2:06 am

I would advise saving it to your own computer then uploading it to someplace like Imageshack if you don't want to register for stuff. It seems that the filesize and created/modified dates aren't showing up...which may be factors preventing you from using it.

Fri Dec 10, 2004 2:10 am

Thanks for the help,I'll try it in a minute..I use photobucket and I was doing upload from url since my computer only lets me save as bmp.(it's gone wacko lately)

EDIT:Ok I tried it,I saved them as .GIF and I uploaded them,it still won't work,any other suggestions?

Fri Dec 10, 2004 2:16 am

Oh, in that case...check the Av/Sig FAQ. ;P

Marissa wrote:Someone made me an awesome graphic, but when I save it, it only lets me save it as a .BMP file!
Ah, that’s an annoying problem that generally only happens in MS Internet Explorer. The general consensus from most technical help places is to clear your Temporary Internet files (Tools > Internet Options. Under Temporary Internet Files, click Delete Files, then restart your browser.)

Clearing my temporary internet files makes my computer go nuts!
Yeah, for some reason, clearing those files is really tough on your computer. You may want to click Settings, then View Objects, and delete them manually. If not, I have a temporary solution for you, which is quite easy to do right here at PPT (And, ahem, no matter what anyone says, this clever temporary solution was of MY invention).
1. Get the URL of the image. Some graphics makers post the URL rather than the image to save space. If they did, skip to step 5. If they didn’t, Right Click the image, and choose Properties. In the small window that pops up, there will be a field called Address (URL), with an internet address next to it. That’s what you want. Highlight the address and copy it (Ctrl+C). Now you can close that window (Cancel and OK are both fine.)
2. Click to make a new message or reply. Paste the image URL in the message area.
3. Rather than clicking Submit, click Preview.
4. You will get a preview of your ‘message,’ the URL to the image.
5. Right click the link, and select Save Target As... And it should auotmatically save it in the proper file format!
Ok, I have my av and sig, how do I get them to show up?
You’ll have to upload them to your webspace, then go into your profile and enter the URL for both of them in the appropriate area.

Fri Dec 10, 2004 2:22 am

Callie wrote:EDIT:Ok I tried it,I saved them as .GIF and I uploaded them,it still won't work,any other suggestions?

If you didn't see it....

Fri Dec 10, 2004 2:25 am

Sorry, didn't see it! XP

Where did you upload them? Try posting them here.

Fri Dec 10, 2004 2:31 am


Fri Dec 10, 2004 2:43 am

I've tried everything I know...and it just doesn't seem to work. I have a feeling that the file was formerly saved as a .BMP, then changed to a .GIF? Either that or there's some strange error in there that won't fix itself. Sorry.

The sig is usable, however.

Sat Dec 11, 2004 1:12 am

perhaps its really a bmp file in discuise or something, because if you save a file, and you save it as BMP, but you can go Save as:"callieavvie.gif" and it would be a gif even though it is really a BMP.

Anywho, try uploading the avatar somewhere and enter the URL in the Link to Off Site Avatar thingy.

I like to use

Sat Dec 11, 2004 5:50 am

That's very interesting. Maybe the image data was damaged somehow. But whatever, this version works fine:
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