Hey, Pickles... Here’s something to cheer you up – the Terrifyingly Bad Luck Bonus! I got it today as well. Yay?
Day 4... Ugh! Rotten luck. 8k.
0: 1 (9,500)
2: 2 (8,000)
3: 0
4: 0
BLB: Day 4
Gift Boxes: N/A
Total: 17.5k
Low on record: 451,375
High on record: 464,750
Siniri, if the pilot is willing to go, that would be great. The moral support is always good. It is also helpful to have a second set of hands and body. It can easily happen that you left something in your car and the 2nd person can stand guard over your tools and the car you are working on. In general, do not worry about accidentally breaking stuff while doing the removal at the junk yard. Some people will absolutely destroy everything in their way to get what they want. You only pay for what you take home. Taking the extra pieces would be cheap insurance, but it is also a trap... You might buy a lot more than you need. I have 2 junk carburetors and a vacuum switch manifold "just in case" that I bought because they seemed like a good idea at the time. Actually, the second carb that I bought had a special part (working on the junk, but not on mine), so I did need a piece of it, and it was just almost cheap to buy the whole thing as buying the one part. The first one was for practice on a few things I was not sure about. I considered that one as the "educational" unit. I did learn a bunch from it - mostly the "oh crap. don't do that" sort of learning... so I do not really think of it as wasted money. Rather, money well spent to
not ruin my "good" unit.
But... if the clips/plastic parts are part of the unit itself, leave them attached, or re-attach them to the unit before heading to the cashier. If the top and bottom unit can be attached together when removed... put them together. That way, it is "one unit", not a two separate units and a bunch of individually priced clips/screws/etc.

Then again, if the cashier is super-savvy and in a foul mood, they may still charge for the separate pieces. Luck of the draw sometimes. The cashiers in a good mood are awesome. "Hmm. Not sure what that is. I'll just charge you for a foot of hose... " That was a good day.