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 Post subject: Re: Trudy's Surprise (Slot Machine)! [Split 4 ever]
PostPosted: Sun Dec 06, 2020 3:05 am 
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Day 22: no matches, 18.5k

0: 12 (179,500)
2: 9 (124,750)
3: 1 (19.500)
4: 0
Gift boxes: 2
BLB: Day 7
Total: 323,750

High on record: 463,750
Low on record: 451,375

Some parts were pitted, but others are OK. It's cool enough that the concrete isn't drying thoroughly fast, but the surface is at least dry, so we went ahead and put most things back and reclaimed the garage for the cars. We managed to rearrange (and got a giant plastic bin to put wood pieces in instead of a giant cardboard box that was falling apart anyway), and now we actually have things better arranged than they were before. It's kinda nice to be able to not have to skinny up to get to the garage freezer now! ;) (It wasn't THAT bad, but there's definitely more walking space now...and the bikes are easier to get in and out, too!)

Set by KiTeNcHeTu!
Find me at WGF, where werewolf rocks!

 Post subject: Re: Trudy's Surprise (Slot Machine)! [Split 4 ever]
PostPosted: Sun Dec 06, 2020 7:13 am 
Way Beyond Godly
Way Beyond Godly
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Bummer about the garage floor, Pickles. It's nice when you have a forced reorganization, though. (I'm going through something similar, but it's because I managed to snag three white 6' tall bookcases, so I'm replacing my mismatched set of three different sizes with three different fake wood colors. I'm in the part of the project where it's one huge mess. Whee!

(The lower shift lever assembly is going on my car, too... So I'm finally going to take Blue's advice and find some parts at a junkyard. It's located right next to the other two things that need replacing, so I figure I'll do all three at once. It's a $500+ part that's kind of important since your car can randomly shift into neutral at any point, and in order to get it back into gear, you have to hold the shift knob into position with one hand - not safe at all, especially in Atlanta traffic! Oh, and my housemate's coworker may have exposed her to COVID last Monday after being totally irresponsible over the holiday. So far no one else has symptoms. I'm probably going to have to miss a couple of days of work, but that's actually a welcome relief because with these two time-consuming projects on top of the three other major projects I need to do this week, I'm totally booked solid.)

Blue graffitied on my signature... But it made me laugh, so it's all good!

 Post subject: Re: Trudy's Surprise (Slot Machine)! [Split 4 ever]
PostPosted: Sun Dec 06, 2020 8:10 pm 
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Favorite Cheese: Mozzerella String Cheese
Day 16, Matched 0, 18.5k

0: 6 (95,500)
2: 10 (108,750)
3: 0
4: 0

Gift Boxes: Day 8

Total: 204,250

Low on record: 451,375
High on record: 464,750

Glad to hear that the floor is not too bad. The forced re-org sounds great. I really need to reorganize my garage. It is just past the point where it is really bothering me. I just need a good chunk of time and a dumpster...

Good luck on the Pick-your-Part, Siniri! Remember to check their inventory to verify your car year(s) is on site before heading there. While it is nice to "cleanly" remove stuff - and it is excellent practice before doing it on your car - do not worry too much if you damage something on your way in to get the part you need. It happens. Looking forward to hear how it goes :)

Hopefully, you and your roommate remain Covid-free!


 Post subject: Re: Trudy's Surprise (Slot Machine)! [Split 4 ever]
PostPosted: Sun Dec 06, 2020 11:06 pm 
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Day 23: no matches, 18.5k

0: 13 (198,000)
2: 9 (124,750)
3: 1 (19.500)
4: 0
Gift boxes: 2
BLB: Day 7
Total: 342,250

High on record: 463,750
Low on record: 451,375

Good luck with the projects, Siniri! Hopefully, y'all will remain COVID-free, too.

Yeah, the garage reorg was a bonus. There are other things we may address in the garage in the future, but we'll deal with that later.
Currently, our whole house is out of order, because we're having insulation replaced on all the exterior walls upstairs tomorrow (hoping for better hot/cold insulation AND sound insulation, as it's awful) AND having insulation put in between the stories on Tuesday, because there's nothing there and when the kids run around upstairs, it sounds like a heard of elephants since the empty space works like a drum. (Ugh, builders here are NOT the same as where we built last! The corners they cut are infuriating.) Anyways, this means that everything has to be removed from the walls upstairs, everything tarped upstairs (sheet rock dust), and everything downstairs has to be moved away from the strips they'll be working in (going up into the ceiling to blow), and everything downstairs has to be tarped, too. My brain is sooooo done with the disorder. I cannot wait to have this done, though, and the house cleaned up and back in order!
I MIGHT have used this as an excuse to force the kiddos to go through their shelves in the school room and trash all the scrap papers, half-finished things that they have no intention of ever finishing, take-home sheets from Sunday school (oh, my word, these add up!), and get all of their craft supplies into their own bins so the shelves are at least organized. Their shelves are now very organized again, and I was able to get out some more fun educational books they've been eyeing and put them on the now-empty shelves. :)

...with any luck, I'll still have the time to sign in for the next two days. Desktops are disconnected to be tarped (do NOT want sheet rock dust in them, if we can avoid it!).

Set by KiTeNcHeTu!
Find me at WGF, where werewolf rocks!

 Post subject: Re: Trudy's Surprise (Slot Machine)! [Split 4 ever]
PostPosted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 7:05 am 
Way Beyond Godly
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Hope you can at least log in on your phone, Pickles! That sounds insane.

We're going to a yard that has 5 vehicles, Blue. Fingers crossed at least one of them has each of the three parts I'd like to snag (four if we move fast and my friend thinks we have time - those hydraulic lift supports are going to cost a lot more new! And it's cold enough here that I'll be able to see if the used ones are working in the cold or not). I have the part numbers. My friend says he has all the tools. I still hope to get up early enough to rewatch the videos and gather the tools I have at my house. Their website doesn't say what type of payments they accept, so I need to remember to bring it all, just in case.

I finished a course for my personal training that ends tomorrow. Between that and figuring out the logistics for tomorrow's Grand Non-Theft Auto, I haven't had time for much else. Apparently my pet caught an illness somewhere, so I need to heal him so I can get my battles in and then get to bed.


Blue graffitied on my signature... But it made me laugh, so it's all good!

 Post subject: Re: Trudy's Surprise (Slot Machine)! [Split 4 ever]
PostPosted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 9:25 pm 
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Location: Out there somewhere... or is it here?
Favorite Cheese: Mozzerella String Cheese
Day 17, Matched 2, 19k

0: 6 (95,500)
2: 11 (127,750)
3: 0
4: 0

Gift Boxes: Day 8

Total: 223,250

Low on record: 451,375
High on record: 464,750

Good luck tomorrow at the Pick-A-Part! Please make sure you have proper Personal Protection Equipment! Safety glasses, are a must. You only get the two eyes you were born with... "Mechanic gloves" are also recommended as protection from scrapes/cuts/etc., especially if it is going to be cold. Somehow, cold skin scrapes a lot easier than warm skin. Both of these together will set you back about $20 at Home Depot (other places may be cheaper), but they are must-have's for this type of work. At a minimum, wear safety glasses. Better than the cost of insurance, or a co-pay, or losing an eye... Sure, the risk is low, but it can happen. My local Pick-A-Part takes both credit card and cash.


 Post subject: Re: Trudy's Surprise (Slot Machine)! [Split 4 ever]
PostPosted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 9:34 pm 
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Location: Dodging Giant Ice-Cream Scoops
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Day 24: no matches, 18.5k

0: 14 (216,500)
2: 9 (124,750)
3: 1 (19.500)
4: 0
Gift boxes: 2
BLB: Day 7
Total: 360,750

High on record: 463,750
Low on record: 451,375

Going to be an better-than-average round, but not spectacular. Ah, well.

The car expedition sounds like it'll be interesting. Hopefully you'll have some good luck and find all the parts you need!

Our project is not going as expected (do they ever?). They're having to cut two holes in each wall to get the old stuff out instead of one (ugh), which means they didn't finish the upstairs today. Hopefully, they'll be able to finish the upstairs tomorrow and get everything blown tomorrow as well.
PLUS the drywall repair people that they supposedly usually work with not only wanted an arm and a leg to do the work, but they hadn't been told about this, so weren't available until next week. ....?! We were told we'd be done by Wednesday at latest, giving us time to paint and get the house back into order before Friday...when we have a visitor. Sigh. All of this was SUPPOSED to happen last week, but apparently COVID has delayed shipping of materials, etc. Gah.
So....Mr. P went to Lowe's this morning and picked up what he'll need to do drywall repair work. He has two days of "personal time" he has to use before the end of the year or he'll lose them, and he's done enough work with drywall before that he figured he could do it WAY cheaper and at least immediately, so we won't have to rearrange the upstairs a second time. With any luck, he'll be able to get a lot of it done (I may help with what I can), as they finish each upstairs room (at least the initial sanding/mudding/taping and other layer of mud). He's done some research on doing spackle, which we were initially worried wouldn't match the original, but he's seen ways to do it that SHOULD help us match well enough. Not looking forward to the painting to follow, but with any luck, we'll be able to get everything done in the time frame we have. Our visitor will have to deal with the crack lines in the ceiling, because we'll need to have someone else come in and do that. However, we will be asking for quotes from multiple people for the repair, because what the guy was asking for originally was ridiculous.

On the plus side, the water softener is fixed, so no more super nasty water...and we took the opportunity to flush the water heater to hopefully clear out some of the sediment, so there's that, too. The joys of home ownership... ;p

Set by KiTeNcHeTu!
Find me at WGF, where werewolf rocks!

 Post subject: Re: Trudy's Surprise (Slot Machine)! [Split 4 ever]
PostPosted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 7:33 am 
Way Beyond Godly
Way Beyond Godly
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My car was successfully fixed! It was $84 for the three parts (including an exchange-only warranty). The shift lever assembly and digital display worked like a charm. The radio ended up not having the same connectors as mine, but when my friend put mine back in, it started working again! Woohoo! (Not sure if the problem was related to the display, which has some audio controls, or to the radio itself, but I'll take it...)

So now I have a radio for a 2004 Prius that I don't need, plus a defective display (that I could maybe send to a refurbisher, if they would want it, or at least an e-recycler) and a shift lever assembly that malfunctioned once. I suppose I could resell the radio (it was the most expensive part) on eBay or CL, but I don't know if it's worth the hassle.

My friend did basically all the work for me. It was pretty easy; most of our time was spent finding cars that still had the components inside, and in each case, the dash was already mostly taken apart. The only thing is that we forgot to bring a piece of trim with us to replace the one that came broken in my car. My friend managed to get the broken one back in, though, so it's fine.

Thanks for all your advice, Blue! I don't think I'd have had the confidence to do that if you hadn't given me so much detailed advice.

Pickles, I hope your project finishes soon. What a pain!

Oh, and 18.5k

Blue graffitied on my signature... But it made me laugh, so it's all good!

 Post subject: Re: Trudy's Surprise (Slot Machine)! [Split 4 ever]
PostPosted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 1:48 pm 
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Location: Dodging Giant Ice-Cream Scoops
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Day 25: no matches, 100k

0: 15 (316,500)
2: 9 (124,750)
3: 1 (19.500)
4: 0
Gift boxes: 2
BLB: Day 7
Total: 460,750

High on record: 463,750
Low on record: 451,375

Glad you were able to get what you needed and get your car fixed, Siniri! That had to be a huge relief to do so much for so little in terms of cost! Also, glad you had a friend to help out! Never hurts to have help, that's for sure.

They're here and working again this morning, so we'll see how it goes. Here's hoping...especially because we're having winter #2 here for the year, and it's currently 44 outside. With no insulation in half of the upstairs exterior walls, it got a bit chilly. I'm hoping they'll be doing the blowing while I'm out of the house with the kids for a bit, but I'm more and more doubtful that'll happen. I guess we'll see.

Set by KiTeNcHeTu!
Find me at WGF, where werewolf rocks!

 Post subject: Re: Trudy's Surprise (Slot Machine)! [Split 4 ever]
PostPosted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 9:34 pm 
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Posts: 8526
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Location: Out there somewhere... or is it here?
Favorite Cheese: Mozzerella String Cheese
Day 18, Matched 2, 19k, and a basic gift box

0: 6 (95,500)
2: 12 (146,750)
3: 0
4: 0

Gift Boxes: Day 8

Total: 242,250

Low on record: 451,375
High on record: 464,750

Excellent! Great job, Siniri! $84 for all 3 and working (2 of 3) is great! Bummer about the radio connectors, but wahoo on the original working again on the re-install. That's a huge win either way. In this case, you simply paid them for training/practice on how to remove a radio, learning how to and what not to do... I bought a carburetor with that exact thought - I paid ~$40 for a carburetor I'll never use, but the education of what NOT to do taking it out the junker paid for itself many times over by avoiding the same mistakes on the "good" car I am working on. That same carburetor was also invaluable for practice disassembly/learning before messing with the good one. Money well spent. And, that's a good friend! Thanks to them from me as well :)

Bummer about the delays, awful contractor. Hopefully, they will be done quickly and you can get back to normal soon(with proper insulation)!


 Post subject: Re: Trudy's Surprise (Slot Machine)! [Split 4 ever]
PostPosted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 4:07 am 
Way Beyond Godly
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Pickles, I hope your house is full of insulation again - better than what you had before!

100k and a gift box! That was a quick 25 days, wow!

Blue graffitied on my signature... But it made me laugh, so it's all good!

 Post subject: Re: Trudy's Surprise (Slot Machine)! [Split 4 ever]
PostPosted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 1:55 pm 
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Day 1: match 2, 2k

0: 0
2: 1 (2,000)
3: 0
4: 0
Gift boxes:
BLB: Day
Total: 2,000

High on record: 463,750
Low on record: 451,375

Here we go again...and at least off to a good start!

Warning: rant ahead.
...they left yesterday again at 3, after wasting a great chunk of the day. To make it worse, they claimed they going to pick something up and then would come back to at least do the last step they needed to before they blew in the insulation, and never returned. I had taken the kids to do something that Mr. P had wanted to do with us (that was free and out of the house - they kept setting off the smoke alarm while cutting the drywall, and between that and the dust, we had to keep the kids out as much as possible), and apparently he could've come, but missed out since they lied to him about coming back. We were furious. Mr. P wasted a personal day that he could've worked, and instead had to sit over their heads to get them to work instead of standing around talking. No insulation all night last night....and it was 38 when we woke up. Frost on the ground this morning. Not sure how much colder it got, but I'm scared to see what our heating bill will be this month, as we had absolutely no insulation upstairs last night.

Needless to say, we are not amused in the least. Mr. P had words with the boss, about the delays, etc, and general stupidity. Even when they left yesterday, they did some stupid non-safe things. They left the following in Littlest P's room: window open (it's not gotten above 60 all day), a 6-foot ladder (closed and leaning against a wall) and a box cutter (bright red, open fully, and the only thing colorful in the room since everything else is tarped). And in Middle Little P's room: an extension cord, still plugged into the wall, a drill, a bunch of drywall screws, and an open stepladder coated in dust, and another non-dangerous (probably?) tool. And in the playroom on the ground, some sort of hand saw, and another power tool meant for cutting that's name is eluding me right now. Keep in mind, they've seen the kids and know we're staying here. Biggest Little P was furious, as he's had blade safety training. I commented something to the effect of "Lord help their kids if they have any," to which Middle Little P responded, "I hope if they do, they have mommies to protect them." :lol:

They are here this morning (and in greater numbers and the boss is here breathing down their necks) and hopefully already working, but honestly, I have the kids in the only room in the house that is completely untouched (that is not a bathroom), we have a space heater on (the front door is stuck open due to the hose), and I'm trying to keep them busy long enough to get to the point that we can go to the science center and stay out of the house for a few hours. The more things I can do with them outside of the house right now, the better. I asked my TKD instructor if I'm welcome to join the juniors class today (even if not for credit towards belt testing) just to get some frustration out. Apparently, I am, so I might. :P


Set by KiTeNcHeTu!
Find me at WGF, where werewolf rocks!

 Post subject: Re: Trudy's Surprise (Slot Machine)! [Split 4 ever]
PostPosted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 5:13 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
Way Beyond Godly
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1.5k (no matches)

Wow, Pickles. I'm glad the boss is there to make sure the job is done right. And that they finally finish! Sheesh.

Blue graffitied on my signature... But it made me laugh, so it's all good!

 Post subject: Re: Trudy's Surprise (Slot Machine)! [Split 4 ever]
PostPosted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 8:28 pm 
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Posts: 8526
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Location: Out there somewhere... or is it here?
Favorite Cheese: Mozzerella String Cheese
Day 19, Matched 2, 19k

0: 6 (95,500)
2: 13 (165,750)
3: 0
4: 0

Gift Boxes: Day 8

Total: 261,250

Low on record: 451,375
High on record: 464,750

What an ordeal! Stupid contractors. :x


 Post subject: Re: Trudy's Surprise (Slot Machine)! [Split 4 ever]
PostPosted: Thu Dec 10, 2020 2:36 pm 
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Day 2: match 2, 3k

0: 0
2: 2 (5,000)
3: 0
4: 0
Gift boxes:
BLB: Day
Total: 5,000

High on record: 463,750
Low on record: 451,375

No. They did not finish yesterday. Not even close.
They did get the insulation put in upstairs, at least. They were going to leave without finishing putting the drywall back together...but I was like, uhm, no. We need to be mudding ALL of it. I don't know when they left, as I was out of the house, but they at least got the holes put back together. Some of them weren't done carefully, though, so we're not particularly thrilled about that. Ugh. Anyways, at the very minimum, we were able to start on the mudding. I kept the kids out of the house for as much of the day as possible, and when they were in "bed" (camping on the living room floor, because their rooms were a mess with dropped insulation, etc), I helped as much as I could...which constituted putting the rest of the drywall tape on. Mr. P worked literally all night, and is still not done mudding (though he's close now). I've sanded the stuff that has the second layer dried.

For all they claimed they would be starting to cut the ceiling at 6:59:59, to get things done faster, they didn't even show up until around 7:25, and weren't cutting for a bit after that. Then they broke the glass on our china cabinet. *facepalm* It appears that they might actually have blown in some of it and are screwing the drywall back into the ceiling. They still have a lot of blowing to do, plus all the clean up. Just...sigh. sounded like they weren't going to do any clean up at all, and I was like....!?!? First, we're responsible for tarping everything we want to protect, then they want us to clean up their mess? (And boy, is it a mess.) Either work ethics have changed, or they're different here (I mean, we already know home construction here in general is pretty poor compared to elsewhere), or we've just found people that don't see it as their responsibility to clean up their own messes.

Maybe it'll be done and cleaned up after today? Maybe? I mean, we're still a long way to moving furniture back, but at least there won't be any more dust, and we'll have access to things again. Like...the fridge. And the stove. I am SO tired of fast food, dry food from the pantry...and I miss my hot tea!

Set by KiTeNcHeTu!
Find me at WGF, where werewolf rocks!

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