Day 23: no matches, 18.5k
0: 13 (198,000)
2: 9 (124,750)
3: 1 (19.500)
4: 0
Gift boxes: 2
BLB: Day 7
Total: 342,250
High on record: 463,750
Low on record: 451,375
Good luck with the projects, Siniri! Hopefully, y'all will remain COVID-free, too.
Yeah, the garage reorg was a bonus. There are other things we may address in the garage in the future, but we'll deal with that later.
Currently, our whole house is out of order, because we're having insulation replaced on all the exterior walls upstairs tomorrow (hoping for better hot/cold insulation AND sound insulation, as it's awful) AND having insulation put in between the stories on Tuesday, because there's nothing there and when the kids run around upstairs, it sounds like a heard of elephants since the empty space works like a drum. (Ugh, builders here are NOT the same as where we built last! The corners they cut are infuriating.) Anyways, this means that everything has to be removed from the walls upstairs, everything tarped upstairs (sheet rock dust), and everything downstairs has to be moved away from the strips they'll be working in (going up into the ceiling to blow), and everything downstairs has to be tarped, too. My brain is sooooo done with the disorder. I cannot wait to have this done, though, and the house cleaned up and back in order!
I MIGHT have used this as an excuse to force the kiddos to go through their shelves in the school room and trash all the scrap papers, half-finished things that they have no intention of ever finishing, take-home sheets from Sunday school (oh, my word, these add up!), and get all of their craft supplies into their own bins so the shelves are at least organized. Their shelves are now very organized again, and I was able to get out some more fun educational books they've been eyeing and put them on the now-empty shelves. 
...with any luck, I'll still have the time to sign in for the next two days. Desktops are disconnected to be tarped (do NOT want sheet rock dust in them, if we can avoid it!).