Sheesh, Pickles. Not a company I'd recommend to anyone. I hope no one recommended them to you!
I've been on the phone (mostly on hold) for the past 2 hours because my MRI was cancelled for tomorrow because of something to do with the authorization. I was told when I scheduled the appointment on Dec. 1 that they would be submitting the authorization right away, and that once it was approved, I could call the hospital number and schedule an MRI sooner. I called back a couple of times, nothing. Monday I called and went through the whole detailed questionnaire with someone. At the end he quoted me the cost ($2200+), and I was like "what about the authorization?" It hadn't gone through yet.
Tues. I checked on my health insurance portal. No authorization pending, much less approved. Called first thing yesterday, insurance hadn't received it. Called the provider, spent about 2 hours yesterday, thought I got it squared away. They told me they didn't submit the preauthorizations until a couple of days before the appointment because so many people cancel at this time of year.

Which is not what the other three people told me. But I figured at least I talked them into submitting it right away, and I could at least get it on the scheduled day.
I have to wait until the provider will answer tomorrow, but it's very unlikely that I'll get it before Monday now. I'm livid. I'm supposed to get an injection next Friday that requires preapproval, and last time insurance took 6 weeks to get it done, so it was already pushing it to get it on this plan year. I feel like the provider should have to pay for it if I can't get it done until January now. But they won't because they don't care.
The whole healthcare system in the U.S. is ridiculous.