Day 9: match 2, 17k
0: 4 (25,875)
2: 5 (49,000)
3: 0
4: 0
Gift boxes:
BLB: Day
Total: 74,875
High on record: 463,750
Low on record: 451,375
I hope your day off goes well! Videoing in for training sounds ideal, especially for such a short time. It would stink to have to go in on a day off for something like that.
We technically had today "off" but we spent it at Hollywood Studios (because they actually unblocked us for a few days and I managed to snag one of those precious few slots!), so I'm wiped out. We go up early this morning to attempt to snag a Rise of the Resistance boarding pass at the 7am time (and barely succeeded, but we still succeeded!) and got to the park right after opening. Then at the end of the day, we got in line for last rides of the day right before close, so were thus there 35 minutes after closing when all was said and done. Littlest Little P tried Tower of Terror for his first time (despite having been tall enough for it for a year and a half) and informed us (once he could talk again) that "the pictures were scary but the moving was fun." I guess he takes after his dad as well, because I sure as heck do not like the "moving" part of it!!

Overall, though, it was a fun day. We managed to cover all the rides (some more than once), had a nice sit down dinner, and only missed out on Muppets and Frozen (as much as I like it, there's no way I'm waiting 30+ minutes for Muppets, and Frozen kept getting full over half an hour before the shows). But now my feet are aching, and my knee is hurting where the bruise from sparring in TKD over a week ago is still healing. Hopefully tomorrow will give me at least some chance of recovery. Hah!