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Legendary Frog and Perfect Kirby

Tue Mar 29, 2005 9:11 am

I only just realised this place existed.... man am I slow on the uptake or what?

Anyway, I know two great sites, they have the funniest Flash movies ever... Mainly based around video games....

The first one is Legendary Frog.
Featuring parodies of the Matrix, Lord of the Rings, Metal Gear Solid and Final Fantasy (as well as some of his own characters) there are many short movies that are absolutely hilarious. May I recommend the Final Fantasy Tribute for a hilarious song....

Without further rambling... here's the link...

Just look under 'movies'....

The second is Perfect Kirby.
Featuring Perfect Kirby 1 (parts 1-3), Perfect Kirby 2, and Perfect Kirby 3 (parts 1-3). These flash movies are a combination of everyone's favourite Pink Puffball who becomes a secret agent, much like Joanna Dark from 'Perfect Dark' on the N64 (hense the name 'Perfect Kirby'). Kirby's hilarious, trigger happy, has an apartment like Jerry Seinfeld and has a penguin partner named Ian (featured in Perfect Kirby 3).

Here's the link...

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