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Randomness - Werewolf, Front Line, and more

Wed Jan 25, 2006 12:51 am

I realise there is a topic a few pages back, but it was old.

Anyway, I'm just letting you all know about the new Front Line game being hosted by Dyl. It's based on the famous Redwall book/series, and we need another three players at least, seven at most.

Front Line is a turn based strategy game in which each player controls a soldier on the battlefield (represented by a unit on the map). The players are usually divided into two teams, with each team performing actions on a different day.

The game itself can span over a period of a month, sometimes more. The last game spanned over 40 days. So only join if you know you'll be able to really join in and play.

For some odd reason, you can only see the Front Line boards if you sign up to Randomess, so sign up :P

But Front Line is just a small part of the site. The main attraction is the multitude of Werewolf games being hosted, with each person receiving equal opportunity to host a game, and with games being diverse and interesting enough to always offer something new.

We're a small, growing community, with only 97 members, so everyone has a chance to impact the forums in their own way.

So whether you're a Werewolf fan, or want to try out something new, check out Randomness.


Randomness- Werewolf and Other Stuff

Wed Jan 25, 2006 5:03 pm

Yes, I'm hosting the second-ever Frontline game. The last game was really fun, likely due to the wonderful host/creator, Twistd Sanity.
The amount of time you need to play the game can be minimal. You can write and send your list and finish for the day in under 5 minutes. Or, you can strategise with your teammates on the team's board.
I would like three more people to start my game, but five or seven would certainly be welcome.

The current game of werewolf is winding down as well, so sign-ups for the next game could hopefully be open within a week, depending on whether or not anyone is ready to host.

Besides those two games, there's Clucky's Insane War, where we run around like chickens with our heads cut off, until something very much like getting our heads cut off happens.

We also have another awesome game in the Locked Board of Doom. I can't tell you any more than that, though.

Just watch out for those penguins and pandas...

Sat Jan 28, 2006 8:09 pm

But basically, the only active boards are Werewolf, Insane Wars, Locked Board and Frontline. Others are abandoned a long time ago. :P

Sat Jan 28, 2006 11:48 pm

Not necessarily. :P

Any of the boards could be active if we had more active members, we just need to find some who will sign up and stay active on us. I'm sure there's someone out there willing to give the new Frontline game a try. :D

Mon Jan 30, 2006 9:11 pm

Th KoL board is only mostly dead.


I really need one more person to start my game (please). I would like to start my game within the next few days (please).

Also, Wind is hosting Insane War 2, which is in sign-up mode as well.

Tue Jan 31, 2006 8:23 pm

General Chat is mostly alive too...

And there's always the shoutbox XD.

Anyways, please check it out if you like Redwall ^O^. Or Werewolf. We really need some more (active) members. =[

Tue Jan 31, 2006 10:20 pm

Don't forget the Insane War. Thats like... more active than Frontline. Frontline just takes up more space.

But yeah, Randomness=the pwningness of NNV only with post counts. :D

Wed Feb 01, 2006 5:30 am

sirclucky wrote:Don't forget the Insane War. Thats like... more active than Frontline. Frontline just takes up more space.

But yeah, Randomness=the pwningness of NNV only with post counts. :D

*thwaks j00*

You stole Front Line's Activitiness..nessness...ness.


I've never really gotten into Insane War, I should give it a shot. Next game after this one, I swear :P

Wed Feb 01, 2006 7:25 pm

Front line is all about strategy and thinking... Insane War is all about randomness and not thinking. From what it appears, people don't like to think.

Wed Feb 01, 2006 7:33 pm

Two Randomness games
Different as you can get
Start at the same time

Fri Feb 10, 2006 1:43 pm

And currently I'm hosting Werewolf @ Wisteria Lane (which is Desperate Housewives themed) there, so join. [/shameless advertising]

Fri Feb 10, 2006 5:39 pm

I joined the site now.

Wed Apr 05, 2006 7:33 pm

This topic is still on the first page, so hopefully it's alright if I bump it up. (Rather than start a whole new topic.)
I've started a writing competiton on Randmoness, and I thought I would do a little advertising. ;)

If anyone has some spare time, or enjoys writing fiction/short stories/whatever else, check it out. ... wtopic=403

Wed Apr 05, 2006 8:30 pm

Yes, join it now! =O

Fri Apr 21, 2006 9:25 pm

And Tom (aka Pixa here) is having signups for WW in Neopia :o
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