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Curse of Gifts!

Fri Feb 23, 2007 11:15 pm ... hp?act=idx

A great RPing site, slowly expanding, yet we still need a lot more members. Curse of Gifts is about people who have "gifts" which can range from control over water to being able to rend a soul from a still-living body.
Several members from here (Ryan.Riverside, UberSpiffehEquestrian (who actually started the site and goes by the name of Emika on Curse of Gifts), Hikaru_dream, Pardona_ii (True_Believer on Curse of Gifts), and me have already joined, so you might know quite a bit of the comunity there (11 members as of this post -_-)!
What've you got to loose? You can always quit if you don't like it. Or even not join...

Oh, ignore the color scheme, we're working on different combinations.

Mon Mar 19, 2007 1:13 pm

It is a nice place you know ^^

Please check it out!
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