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Meerkats and All

Wed Apr 18, 2007 11:44 pm

Hello, everyone, I'm new, I know I should be headed to a different board to introduce myself, and I'll do that after this. Annnyway, I have a forum. :D It is called Meerkats and All, but no one ever talks about meerkats. :( We have had hackers lately, but they seem to have stopped, due to my help in other people. I have about 7 admins, which will be reduced in a few weeks to the normal 3 that was there for so long. The others are hacker-helpers. You can discuss anything you want...its family-friendly, and there are 10 year olds on there... I know this is not a good or convincing ad(ppt, a member of my site, would kill me if he saw how bad this is :roflol: ) but here's the link.

Mon Apr 23, 2007 12:15 pm

Awww, I <3 the meerkats, especially Shakespeare.
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