Would you like to be part of the organization that single handedly overthrew the President of Chocolate Land, Mayor McCheese? If so, then please, do proceed. Welcome to the world of LightWithin Productions (more often referred to as: LW or LightWP); a community blog run by a bunch of people in a cramped basement. At the site, we talk about everything, from Kanye West’s interruptions to Japanese convience stores. Visit us @
http://lightwp.com, and you can learn more about us here:
http://www.lightwp.com/?page_id=3 But, here’s why we’re here. We want you. Yes, you; to be among the ranks of those who have worked in the cramped basement as bloggers, editors or tweeters. The details are listed below; if you’re interested, please do send us an e-mail at
lightwp@gmail.com with the subject line as Staff Application.
Position: Blogger
Requirements: Must be able to write well. That’s all we ask. Oh, and that you at least post once a month, and join in on the fun at the forums (that goes for all jobs). (And bake cookies for us, but that’s another story).
Website (if any):
Position Applying For: Blogger
Why you want the position and why you think you would make a good addition to the LW team?
Write a paragaph about whatever. Just make sure it's good. Or provide examples of your previous work.
Will you be active and committed?
Do you like writing?
Position: Editor
Requirements: Must be able to read and find errors well. Also, basic HTML knowledge is helpful (we do a lot of code compiling at the site). Should be available at least one day a week, to edit somebody’s work. However, editors are powerful and do get cookies from bloggers.
Website (if any):
Position Applying For: Editor
Why you want the position and why you think you would make a good addition to the LW team?
Do you like writing?
Will you be active and committed?
Edit this paragraph:
"Chocolate is my favorite thing to eat. I lyk it because it is very good and tasty. My favourite type of chocolate is milk, though I don’t mind white or dark either. Chocolate; is produced from cooco beans in South America. Most chocolates aren’t free trade. Chocolate is sold very cheap and very expensive. Some people are allergic to it though, I tink that really sucks. That’s what I know about my favourite food, chocolate. "
Position: Tweeter (a.k.a: Microblogger)
Requirements: Must be able to tweet at least 6 times a week. Topics, like blogging can be about anything. Must be a fun person – well that’s a must for all our positions. We do not ask that you go into the twitter underworld without a flap jacket though; that’s just mean.
Website (if any):
Position Applying For: Microblogger
Why you want the position and why you think you would make a good addition to the LW team?:
Do you have any previous experience tweeting? (a.k.a: Have your own twitter?)
What would you talk about?
If you get links, where do you get them from?
What sites do you frequent?
How often do you tweet per day?
Will you be active and committed?
Remember, e-mail us at
lightwp@gmail.com with the subject line as “Staff Application”. We’ll be waiting for you!
- The Friendly Staff of LW