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The Grudge

Sun Dec 05, 2004 3:58 am

((don't think there's a thread for this yet, is there? ))
Man, this movie scared me to death >.< it took me till 2 am that night to fall asleep, and even now, 3 weeks later, it scares me when I go into bed o.O;;. Plus the fact that we have a closet that looks kinda similar...*shiver* and we have an attic that looks similar. My bed scares me though. At least I don't have white sheets O.O

But parts like the phonecall, the bus(I nearly screamed) the beginning when yoko was killed, the bathtub full of dirty water... yeah, scare me >.< I had my eyes closed for... 70% of it I think, well, 70% of the scary parts anyway.
After seeing this movie, I decided against seeing another scary movie. Well, at least, another asian scary movie. The western ones are more gory, which is muuch easier to handle, haha. Asian ones are incredibly disturbing.

*hides--not under her covers*

But one thing I don't get, is how the ghost was able to take the form of...the brother...Matthew, was it? I can't remember now. When she had caller ID. How was the ghost able to use his voice, and his form? o.O;; Maybe cus his death was... caused by her or something? yeah. anyway...

What did other people think of it?

Sun Dec 05, 2004 5:09 pm

I know what you are going through. I saw it back on openning night, and I had my hood over my head for more than half of it. Ever since I've seen it, I've went to bed with my eyes closed and the covers over my head, and I don't open them until my tv turns on in the morning. I think that the ghost was able to take form because he died from her or something like that. The scariest part was in the apartment, in my opinion that is. It was freaky with the door and the phone thing, that was one smart ghost. Actually, I used a flashlight when going down the hallway into my room for two weeks after seeing the movie. The part on the bus reminded me of Eminem's video for Stan (the part at the end).

Sun Dec 05, 2004 5:15 pm

Heh.. there was a thread about the movie but I guess it went to thread heaven :P heh

Anywho... the US version scared me ALOT more than the Japanese.
I still get a little freaked out when I go to bed, b/c it's pitch black in my room... I always think about that little boy ghost popping up beside the bed and then hearing that noise... :o

I thought the scariest parts were.........
When the first girl looks into the attic and you can see the ghost before she actually gets to it, but it still scares the everliving crap out of you *shudders*
And the part where that girl shows up again at that agency place. And the boss guy sees her... You just know something is going to happen, but it keeps dragging on for a little bit so when it does happen.. BOOM scares you to death again.
*nodnodnod* I loved that movie, haven't been scared like that in a long time. It's awesome :)

Sun Dec 05, 2004 5:34 pm

Shollia wrote:*nodnodnod* I loved that movie, haven't been scared like that in a long time. It's awesome :)

Yeah, despite the fact that it made me want to cry (with my friends around too, i'm hopeless), it was a great movie. We all need good scares every now and then, so it was worth it.

Sun Dec 05, 2004 11:07 pm

Shollia wrote:When the first girl looks into the attic and you can see the ghost before she actually gets to it, but it still scares the everliving crap out of you *shudders*
And the part where that girl shows up again at that agency place. And the boss guy sees her... You just know something is going to happen, but it keeps dragging on for a little bit so when it does happen.. BOOM scares you to death again.

The scariest part about yoko getting killed, is when her legs are like, banging against the walls as the ghost kills her. It was so freaky >.< .

As for when yoko comes back, I closed my eyes XDD So I didn't find out what happened to the boss guy. What DID happen? haha.

Mon Dec 06, 2004 12:48 am

He kicked the bucket. Actually, he provided a good snack, it was gross. Kinda. More on the funny side of gross.

The part in the beginning where the guy flipped over the edge made me laugh a bit. Come on, we knew it was coming.

Sat Dec 11, 2004 5:26 pm

I saw this film a while ago and I didn't find it scary at all. Sure I jumped a few times, but after I'd finished watching it I didn't feel any different. :/

Mon Dec 13, 2004 4:27 pm

I found it fairly typical for a scary a movie and not really all that scary, if anything I found it funny. The plot wasn't exactly original nor the elements and there just wasn't any character development. The movie did pull of a creepy vibe at points like the part at the strairs and the light and the climbing moiven.

Mon Dec 13, 2004 9:46 pm

I found the American version to be extremely boring, but meh, could be because I had already seen both of them.

Thanks for getting me to read this thread, now I'll havenightmares. The little kid just freaks me out every time. XD
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