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Top Five Favorite Television Shows

Sat Jun 25, 2005 1:32 pm

Hey... we have this for movies, so why not for television shows?

Mine (in order of how much I like them):

1. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
2. Angel (I've actually never even seen an episode, but hey- it has Angel in it. Where can you go wrong with Angel? Even if I haven't seen it, I know I'd rank it high if I did.)
3. Room Raiders (It's just... addictive. Plus it's the only decent thing that comes on before Buffy, so I probably end up watching it daily.)
4. Date My Mom (It is the weirdest idea for a television show, but it does make some sense and isn't some clone of some other show).
5. Nanny 911 (Laughing at other people is fun.)

Sat Jun 25, 2005 1:35 pm

1. The O.C. (Say what you will, it's a really good show and isn't trashy like it looks)
2. The Simpsons (Seen every episode :D)
3. Everwood
4. Desperate Housewives (I need to start watching it again...)
5. American Idol (Eh...I don't like it that much anymore, its kind of boring)

Sat Jun 25, 2005 3:12 pm

1. Seinfeld. (Quite possibly the best show ever. :D)
2. Family Guy (Amazing show, something to laugh at in every episode.)
3. The Simpsons (I've been watching this for years now, my dad claims that the simpsons family is a mirror image of our family...well, minus Maggie. Sad thing is, I think he's right.)
4. Futurama (I miss when this show used to be on FOX. But it's still a great show nonetheless.)
5. Aqua Teen Hunger Force (I hardly catch this on TV anymore, but I buy the DVDs and I love it. :))

As you can see, I watch a lot of mindless comedy. O___O

Sat Jun 25, 2005 3:42 pm

in no particular order

The OC
Desparate Housewives

ok, that was 6, so sue me!

Sat Jun 25, 2005 3:43 pm

Oh, goodness... this is way too hard.

1. American Idol

2. The West Wing

3. Ellen (Great show.. :P)

4. The Daily Show

5. Errr... whichever reality show is on that day.. XD

Sat Jun 25, 2005 5:32 pm

Hm. Toughie.

1. Everybody Loves Raymond
2. Family Guy
3. The Simpsons
4. Friends
5. Big Brother

Sat Jun 25, 2005 5:37 pm

1. The Simpsons
2. Brass Eye
3. Ripping Yarns
4. Street Crime UK
5. Family Guy

List is subject to change. Street Crime UK has some hilarious steadicam work.

Sat Jun 25, 2005 6:00 pm

2. Desperate Housewives.
3. CSI. The original one.

Um, that's kind of it. I don't really watch a great deal of television.

Sat Jun 25, 2005 6:09 pm

My problem is that I watch too much TV, but I can easily say some of my favourite shows are (in order of when they air):

Tue. House
Wed. Lost
Wed. Alias
Thur. Stargate: SG1

There's nothing I really like to watch on Mondays or Fridays and I can't think of a fifth show.
Unfortunatley, some other shows I like (Andromeda) have ended.

Sat Jun 25, 2005 6:10 pm

1. Charmed
2. Day os our lives
3. Americas Next Top Model

Nothing else really comes to mind, I don't watch much tv anyway.

Sat Jun 25, 2005 9:48 pm

1. Stargate SG1
2. Lost
3. Simpsons
4. Charmed
5. Maybe Dark Angel when that was on or something.

Sat Jun 25, 2005 10:47 pm

Of the moment:

1: Doctor Who
2: Top Gear
3: Red Dwarf
4: Frasier
5: Simpsons

Sun Jun 26, 2005 4:56 am

In no particular order...

- Desperate Housewives
- Lost
- Home and Away
- All Saints
- The Amazing Race
- Blue Heelers

rachel wrote:in no particular order

The OC
Desparate Housewives

ok, that was 6, so sue me!



Sun Jun 26, 2005 7:42 pm

Desperate Housewives

..That's actually all I watch. I'm an NBC-ABC kinda guy, I s'pose.

Mon Jun 27, 2005 5:00 am

Ones that are currently on that haven't been cancelled etc....

in no particular order

The Simpsons
Family Guy

and uhm.. not sure about the 5th... I'd say Desperate Housewives but feels like I'm forgetting another one
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