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War of Worlds

Wed Jun 29, 2005 10:28 am

Im gonna see this movie 2morrow..i hopes it prediction: Tom Cruise is magically find a weapon to kill the aliens..discuss War of Worlds here

Wed Jun 29, 2005 11:51 am

It's bad enough they thing they can re-make War of the Worlds.

But with TOM CRUISE?!

Wed Jun 29, 2005 5:29 pm

And without the "The"?! It's outrageous!!! And what's worse, THE ALIENS AREN'T MARTIANS!!! *Turns into The Incredible Sulk and smashes Tom Cruise and Publicity St... Katie Holmes*

Wed Jun 29, 2005 6:25 pm

I don't think I'm going to go and see it, the effects looks pretty impressive but I'll save my money for better films I think :)

I assumed my wee brothers were going to go and see it as they seem about the right age (9 & 11) but apparently Cruise's publicity stunts and rants about mental health drugs being useless have backfired - neither my brothers or any of their friends are going to see it as "Tom Cruise is a weirdo" hehe :lol:

Wed Jun 29, 2005 7:50 pm

I just saw it about an hour or so ago.

It was a fantastic movie; not a typical alienesque movie. It actually makes sense. The acting is pretty good and even though everything starts out a bit fast, I'm sure you'll enjoy it. There were some questionable scenes but it was due to the plotline, some scenes made me so angry.

I'd recommend the movie to anyone who is a sci-fi geek or simply likes a good action movie. You'll be pleasantly suprised.

Wed Jun 29, 2005 9:28 pm

as a HG wells geek i can see myself being pleasently annoyed.
still, if the world gets mushed as badly as it does in the book, i will be atleast happy with that short stint of genocide.
and yes. i know the martians cop it.

Wed Jun 29, 2005 9:43 pm

I don't always subscribe to 'OMG YOO CANNOT REMAKE THE FILM' but in this case, heckyesido.

Watch the goshdarn original. Avoid Tom Cruise.

Wed Jun 29, 2005 9:48 pm

read the book.
see as victorien england pummels the martians into the ground.
then get pummeled senseless by some way cool weapons.

Wed Jun 29, 2005 9:52 pm


I have read the book.

I know what happens. Wells picks a jolly good place as the centre of the attack too...;)

Wed Jun 29, 2005 10:19 pm

i meant "read the book rather than watch the film"

i will never look at those screw-top tubes the same way again.

Wed Jun 29, 2005 11:33 pm

I will say the original movie is a joke. I haven't seen the Cruise version yet, but I'm sure it will be entirely forgettable, irrelevant eye candy.

The only versions worth their weight in beans is the original book and the Orson Wells broadcast which is absolutely bonkersly nuts.

Also, I do enjoy how in the original, where the martians land. Let's look at the facts, 3/4 of the earth is water, but they seemed to miss all that. Of that land mass, what percentage do you think Great Britain occupies? That's a pretty good shot if you ask me.

Thu Jun 30, 2005 3:59 am

coming2atvnearu wrote:Also, I do enjoy how in the original, where the martians land. Let's look at the facts, 3/4 of the earth is water, but they seemed to miss all that. Of that land mass, what percentage do you think Great Britain occupies? That's a pretty good shot if you ask me.

Some places in the world just attract things through a sort of psychic energy that gets traps in the upper stratosphere, Tokyo for example attracts enormous animals that breathe nuclear fire.

Thu Jun 30, 2005 4:18 am

I just saw it! It wasn't all that bad, though the ending was the typical, far-fetched happy type of ending.

Thu Jun 30, 2005 4:42 am

I saw this earlier today and I loved it.

There were some parts that were a bit eh... and every single character made me just want to smack them silly while cursing up a storm to tell them to just shut the heck up, AND the ending was pretty crappy to me... but overall it was pretty excellent.
Also the whole thing with the disfunctional family thing was pretty bad and very overdone.

Great visuals, great acting (even though it was annoying/frustrating/make you want to pull THEIR hair out), bad abrupt ending.

So.. I say... about a 7 or 8 out of 10... if they just did something more with that ending and something different with the family then it would've been much better.

Now.. at the end... did the aliens just not get to those homes yet or something? Because none of them were even leveled.
And how the heck did the son survive??? Unless he ran by without them noticing or something but that's hard to believe. And I doubt he could've ran under that thing b/c it was freakin huge and all the explosions etc.
And yeah.. those parts just bugged me.

Thu Jun 30, 2005 7:38 am

Christopher wrote:
coming2atvnearu wrote:Also, I do enjoy how in the original, where the martians land. Let's look at the facts, 3/4 of the earth is water, but they seemed to miss all that. Of that land mass, what percentage do you think Great Britain occupies? That's a pretty good shot if you ask me.

Some places in the world just attract things through a sort of psychic energy that gets traps in the upper stratosphere, Tokyo for example attracts enormous animals that breathe nuclear fire.

:roflol: Good one Chris. And I suggest that everyone reads the book, listens to the Orson Wells broadcast, watch the original movie and listen to the Jeff Wayne Musical opera. After 3 now. DUN DUN DUHN! DUN DUN DUHN!!!
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