The big screen and the small screen... together at last! Hurrah!
Thu Jan 12, 2006 11:02 pm
Continuing discussion from here:
Oh whoa...well, that refutes the claims of Walt and Shannon in there. I'm a little disappointed it didn't give us any stuff that foreshadows the future, but a neat effect nonetheless.
Sun Jan 15, 2006 11:59 pm
The monster showed flashes of images in Eko's life, that were hard to see, kind of like Locke's dream in season one. Remember how, in his dream, there were flashes of Boone bloody and mangled? It might be like that. I just want to know what the monster IS. Up until now, everything on that show has been possible, though implausible. A smoke monster that kills people and tears out trees just defies physics.
Mon Jan 16, 2006 1:49 am
Ah, so it
does show them a moment that is forboding on their minds
Wil-o-wisp gone bad.
Though it doesnt explain the Machinery sounds
Mon Jan 16, 2006 12:10 pm
Setekh wrote:Ah, so it
does show them a moment that is forboding on their minds
Wil-o-wisp gone bad.
Though it doesnt explain the Machinery sounds
I think there are two monsters. The smoke one, who rips up trees and stuff, and then the security system, the one that makes the machinery sounds. This makes the most sense, to me at least.
Mon Jan 16, 2006 8:57 pm
livin_in_the_shadow wrote:Setekh wrote:Ah, so it
does show them a moment that is forboding on their minds
Wil-o-wisp gone bad.
Though it doesnt explain the Machinery sounds
I think there are two monsters. The smoke one, who rips up trees and stuff, and then the security system, the one that makes the machinery sounds. This makes the most sense, to me at least.
I think they're the same. I can't figure out the machinery sounds as of yet, but they might have to do with it somehow.
Mon Jan 16, 2006 10:09 pm
It ate a tilling machine =/
Tue Jan 17, 2006 12:51 am
livin_in_the_shadow wrote:Setekh wrote:Ah, so it
does show them a moment that is forboding on their minds
Wil-o-wisp gone bad.
Though it doesnt explain the Machinery sounds
I think there are two monsters. The smoke one, who rips up trees and stuff, and then the security system, the one that makes the machinery sounds. This makes the most sense, to me at least.
Except you hear the machinery when smokeys around
Anyway, a weird theory if there was ever one;
Lets hope this much thought went into the show!
Thu Jan 19, 2006 8:54 am
MAN that was a good episode even though it was yet another Jack one.
I wanted to just smack the crap out of Kate.... and Jack's exwife.
And wanted to punch Micheal's lights out at the beginning. I swear he is SO freakin annoying.
Yes yes.. it's sad that your son was taken but good lord don't act like a total dipwad to the people who are trying to help you!!
I loved the part with Jack and Ana-Lucia. Even though I thought it was just cool and it sent chills up my back when he asked her how long it would take to train an army
I didn't understand why he asked her?
You would think he would be asking Sayid since ya know.. he was in the military :\
But still when he said that... WOW. Things are gonna get freaking AWESOME if they decide to go that way with the show.
And and.. I know I'm missing something that I wanted to talk about....
*nodnod* Very good episode!
Thu Jan 19, 2006 6:26 pm
I think Jack asked Ana Lucia about raising an army because she is the violent, aggressive one, as opposed to Sayid, who prefers to deal with things peacefully. It looks like next week's episode won't have anything to do with it, though.
Thu Jan 19, 2006 7:02 pm
James Ford, wasn't it?
Ha haha
I really wanted to kill Jack's wife. Making him cry... *sniff*
Bring her out ALEX? Just as you forget about one thing they bring it back up.. Gaw!
Thu Jan 19, 2006 9:20 pm
Jen wrote:Bring her out ALEX? Just as you forget about one thing they bring it back up.. Gaw!
Oh man... I can't believe I missed that! I just KNEW we would be seeing her sometime, being 16 years old and all...I wonder if this means we'll be seeing more of Rousseau?
Thu Jan 19, 2006 9:49 pm
I enjoyed that episode! I was wanting for 'The Others' to appear again for a long time, though I'm kind of miffed about the whole army deal. I just don't think it'd be a good direction for the show.
Fri Jan 20, 2006 9:40 am
halfbakedbliss wrote:I enjoyed that episode! I was wanting for 'The Others' to appear again for a long time, though I'm kind of miffed about the whole army deal. I just don't think it'd be a good direction for the show.
I think it would be an awesome way to take the show.
I mean I wouldn't mind if things stayed more on the calm side... if it stayed the way it has before.. I'd enjoy the show just as much.
But if they do decide to go down the training them all to beat the snot out of the others... then I'm all for that as well. Sounds so so good! heh
Fri Jan 20, 2006 9:23 pm
Shollia wrote:halfbakedbliss wrote:I enjoyed that episode! I was wanting for 'The Others' to appear again for a long time, though I'm kind of miffed about the whole army deal. I just don't think it'd be a good direction for the show.
I think it would be an awesome way to take the show.
I mean I wouldn't mind if things stayed more on the calm side... if it stayed the way it has before.. I'd enjoy the show just as much.
But if they do decide to go down the training them all to beat the snot out of the others... then I'm all for that as well. Sounds so so good! heh
I'd like to see some fighting, but what I want more than anything else right now is INFORMATION. Whos, whats, wheres, whens, and especially, WHYs of the whole thing. The army idea seems just as good a wqay as any to get some answers
BTW, this is my 100th post! Cool... I get a star.
Thu Jan 26, 2006 2:56 am
The ending was a bit... unusual for Lost. Nothing big and revealing.
Locke was a totally jerk tonight! I mean, yeah, Charlie's not perfect... and okay, starting a fire was totally insane, but he was an addict who went cold turkey, so there's no reason to be so hard on him. He wasn't even using.
And does everyone seem to forget how he DIED for a few moments while trying to save pregnant Claire?
Maybe watching the first 2 seasons of Alias on DVD over the weekend has just made me a bit angry towards the guy who plays Locke, since he was kinda a jerk then too...
EDIT: Oh wow just saw the ABC preview for next week (darn CTV for not showing previews)... That looks intense! She better be safe! I don't want her to be the next Shannon.
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