The big screen and the small screen... together at last! Hurrah!
Tue Oct 03, 2006 10:48 am
His is the voice behind one of pop-culture’s most established icons.
The name is Peter Cullen - the voice of TRANSFORMERS’ Optimus Prime.
And now fans will be given the opportunity to put words in the mouth of Optimus with the “MAKE PRIME SPEAK” contest!
Paramount Pictures announces the “MAKE PRIME SPEAK” contest, a bold initiative that will supply what fans demand – Optimus Prime speaking their words. Fans can submit a line of dialogue that they would most like to hear Optimus Prime say in the film.
First place winner will have his/hers phrase spoken by Prime, in the new Transformers movie!
They are holding a competition for Primes very dialogue in the film. What does this mean? Obviously you'd have the honour of knowing you play a part in the movie, but it seems rather...Snakes on a Plane-ish. Audience interaction with the movies obviously isn't unprecedented, but this is a fairly cool idea (even if hopes for the movie aren't high).
Tue Oct 03, 2006 3:51 pm
Person: "Hey look! It's optimus prime!"
Optimus: "I heart steam forums! One One Eleven!! Eight"
Person: "..."
Thu Oct 05, 2006 12:03 am
US Only it seems.
I got annoyed when I saw that a few days ago.
So I got somone on Transfans to do it for me.
Thu Oct 05, 2006 1:23 am
Setekh wrote:US Only it seems.
I got annoyed when I saw that a few days ago.
So I got somone on Transfans to do it for me.
Without the aid of other countries, the entries are crap. They now have the recent entries scrolling across the screen at the top. They are all either ridiculously bad, riduculously poorly spelt, misheard lines from the show, or just lines that would be in the movie anyway.
Thu Oct 05, 2006 2:05 am
Bunch o' rubbish for the most.
Though I
would kill to hear
"Megatron must be stopped. no matter the cost" From cullen again ^_^
I would have submited "Sometimes the good must perish so that the rest might survive" if I'd had the chance.
edit: Cullen has been signed up to three Transformers films.
Mmmm. CGI Unicron
Thu Oct 05, 2006 2:15 am
This just confirms the fact that Michael Bay is a friggin' idiot.
Megatron: I will destroy you!
Optimus: "O RLY?!?! NOT IF I KEEL YOU 1ST! OPTIMUS PRIME FTW!!111one!111~"
Thu Oct 05, 2006 4:27 am
Think logically for a second, they are judged, not random, it's not like on the day of recording the computer shoots out a random piece of paper in fornt of Cullen to read
Megatron: *Generic cheesy hollywood line!*
Optimus: Porn!
Thu Oct 05, 2006 1:18 pm
Well yeah, I know that, but knowing Michael Bay you never know. <_<
Thu Oct 05, 2006 7:56 pm
Dragonfire wrote:Well yeah, I know that, but knowing Michael Bay you never know. <_<
I imagine it'll be one of the script writers and not Bay that choses it y'know...
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