The big screen and the small screen... together at last! Hurrah!
Tue Jul 17, 2007 6:03 pm
So, what do you think will happen in book 7? Place your theories here -- they should be fun to read once we get our answers... in about 4 days or so!
I personally think Harry is going to live. However, I reread the prophecy and thought it might mean that "neither can live" refers to BOTH Harry and Voldemort and the "while the other survives" means someone else completely, possibly Ginny.
I wish I knew.
The "Neither can live" means Lily and James and the "while the other survives" means Harry - hence it was already fulfilled.
Thu Jul 19, 2007 5:24 am
Thats interesting. I think that Neville will kick the bucket, Harry will live, Voldemort will die, Snape will be good, and probably something else I'm forgetting.
Thu Jul 19, 2007 7:25 pm
I'm kind of hoping that Harry and Voldemort die. That way, everything would be tied up in a nice little package and THE END. It would be so very dramatic and sad, but still justified and needed. I think Snape is still good. I think that he is going to help destroy Voldemort with Harry because he and Dumbledore had some sort of deal going on that no one new about.
Sat Jul 21, 2007 3:32 am
Shadow wrote:Thats interesting. I think that Neville will kick the bucket, Harry will live, Voldemort will die, Snape will be good, and probably something else I'm forgetting.
oi shadow, if that happens...I'm not comming out of my room for a week.
Neville is my favorite character.
Wed Sep 19, 2007 9:02 pm
Christopher wrote:Bit late I would say.
Yeah, evil took over a long time ago. Where've you been?
Thu Sep 20, 2007 5:06 am
Tymaporer wrote:Christopher wrote:Bit late I would say.
Yeah, evil took over a long time ago. Where've you been?
ive been living in a desert, then moved to an island, and now im going back to the desert again. But ive pretty much wither been under a rock with my laptop or in a pool
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