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whats next for hockey?

Mon Apr 11, 2005 2:02 pm

i havn't heard much about it, last i heard there still trying to get a deal done question is will there be a full 05-06 season? supposely there gonna tweak the rules to make hockey better,truthfully 2 rules that need to be tweaked or maybe even removed are 2 line pass and offsides,i understand offsides can't be removed but when players are like inches in before there suppose to be? come on it slows the fast paced game down,and 2 line pass calls are just annoying

Wed Apr 13, 2005 8:43 pm

Yeah, they're still working on it. For those optimists out there, they're actually working on a hybrid deal with salaries and league revenues where both sides would have to give in a little.

There's some discussion going on regarding tag-up offsides, which I believe differs from the current offsides rule in that the offsides player can leave the zone and then reenter to join the play.

One thing I agree with is the removal of the red line.

Sat Apr 16, 2005 6:11 pm

I am in Canada, and hockey is like the meaning of life here... :D I hope that they work out a deal and share the money and all act like hippies for a while... :hug: Until the violence-filled game begins... :evil:

Sun Apr 17, 2005 11:43 pm

I'll ditto losing the 2 line pass rule.

I do think that the only legitimate good idea that Adrienne Clarkson ever had was to award the Stanley Cup to the best North American Women's team.

I think that would be an awesome show that hockey is bigger than the NHL, the NHLPA and any petty labour squabbles and ego battles between Weasel Boy Bettman and the guy with the fat head.

Fri Jun 03, 2005 3:22 pm

coming2atvnearu wrote:I'll ditto losing the 2 line pass rule.

I do think that the only legitimate good idea that Adrienne Clarkson ever had was to award the Stanley Cup to the best North American Women's team.

I think that would be an awesome show that hockey is bigger than the NHL, the NHLPA and any petty labour squabbles and ego battles between Weasel Boy Bettman and the guy with the fat head.

I think that is a very cool idea :) .

Currently I'm getting my hockey fix from the AHL- the Caulder Cup playoffs are fun, especially when the Philadelphia Phantoms are in the finals.

My Mom and I went to an Eastern Conference finals game last week, and we really enjoyed it. We got both our tickets for great seats (first level in the Wachovia Center near one of the blue lines) for a playoff game for the same price we would have paid for one ticket in the second level for a Flyers regular season game. We were thinking of going back to a cup finals game this weekend, but I think I have too much LSAT studying to do, unfortunately (I'm taking the test on Monday).

Perhaps AHL hockey is bigger in Philly than it is elsewhere because of the close ties between the Flyers and Phantoms. The Phantoms are the Flyers' AHL affiliate in addition to simply being in the same city, so there are several guys I recognized from the Flyers playing for the Phantoms right now. Also, members of both teams participate in all organization charity events. Both teams even practice in the same facility, so it's a reasonable subsitute- for now. I really do hope the NHL can get everything worked out for next year, although I'm not overly optimistic. For now, Go Phantoms!

Mon Jun 06, 2005 1:28 am

I think the NHL players are just being big babies. Honestly, would you rather have no money (because you're not playing) or a large sum of money (just not as much as you want)?

I hope they do work something out, because I was just getting interested in it when it stopped.

Fri Jun 10, 2005 6:06 am

Well, apparently a deal is getting closer no thanks to the idiots that run the big budget teams like the Rangers. With all that money you think they could buy some common sense.

Fri Jul 08, 2005 5:07 am

coming2atvnearu wrote:Well, apparently a deal is getting closer no thanks to the idiots that run the big budget teams like the Rangers. With all that money you think they could buy some common sense.

today i supposely heard within a week there suppose to have a new deal or whatever and tell us the rules changes and such :D

Wed Jul 13, 2005 7:56 pm

Players and ownership have reached a tentative deal, pending ratification by the players' union. ... &type=lgns

Wed Jul 13, 2005 9:35 pm

kool i miss hockey,but when do we get to see these new rules? :D

Fri Jul 15, 2005 7:22 pm

21-39 mil salary cap, no restricted free agency....... looks like no one got most of their needs. :S

Fri Jul 15, 2005 8:29 pm

I've gotten to the stage where I just say "Who cares?". I used to be an avid hockey fan, now, I'm just saddened because of its absence. But even though it came back, my love for hockey has slowly disappeared.

Sat Jul 30, 2005 4:25 pm

Sidney Crosby was selected with the number one pick by the pittsburgh penguins and Bobby Ryan as number 2 to Anaheim Mighty Ducks.
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