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What book to chose?

Wed Oct 27, 2004 4:29 pm

I have an English project due in January and I need a book to read which has a religious theme attached to it somehow (I'm in a Catholic school, go figure). I don't know any books except for one which Da--I mean Xil mentioned to me earlier this week which is called "Life of Pi". Does anyone know any other books which might have a religious theme?

Wed Oct 27, 2004 4:33 pm

Lol, I was thinking of Life of Pi too when I read the first part of your post, though it isn't too religious, IMO, more on the philosophical side.

Hmm... how about - the Bible? ;) :P

Wed Oct 27, 2004 4:49 pm

Qanda wrote:Hmm... how about - the Bible? ;) :P

No religious books or something relating to any Holy Book is allowed as in 'What I think of Hinduism'.

Wed Oct 27, 2004 4:59 pm

Life of Pi might be a much more philosophical choice but it would be fascinating to write a religious essay on, especially tying the animals to religious figures.

Do it :D

Thu Oct 28, 2004 12:56 am

Well, there is always the Da Vinci Code. But it's pretty advanced, and.. I don't know how much they would like it in a Catholic school.. :P

Thu Oct 28, 2004 1:09 am

Well, there is always the Da Vinci Code. But it's pretty advanced, and.. I don't know how much they would like it in a Catholic school..

I don't think they'd like angels and Demons either.
I'd go with Life of PI.

Thu Oct 28, 2004 9:10 am

The Da Vinci Code is pretty crap anyway.

Thu Oct 28, 2004 10:00 am

matterbug wrote:Well, there is always the Da Vinci Code. But it's pretty advanced, and.. I don't know how much they would like it in a Catholic school.. :P

um they generally don't. it will depend on your teacher, but my Religion teacher spent one whole lesson denouncing the book, and a week later, we all got copies of the state catholic paper which had a huge feature article bagging the book. so i could tell you i don't think they will be fond of it, and having read the book, if you teacher is a strong catholic, i'ld advise against it. it really bags the church. however, my teacher is pretty cool with stuff like that, so i know i can get away with it in english, but i would have a death with if i mentioned it in religion that i liked the book.

for a book, i've seen a few, but what sort of book are you looking for? a long one? short one? symbolic one? are your teachers cool with books that while supporting most values, point out fallacies in the church and its teachings?

for example, the Red Tent, is a biblical story based on the life of the one daughter of Jacob, and its very um, shall we say, against men, and some of their actions. its a higly feminist book, and doesn't really paint any of the men involved in a very good light. so i think i need to know a bit more before i start reccomending :)
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