There was an error in the code somewhere so I had to tweak it a bit but it should work now. -.0 Replace where it says with a link to a picture of the 3 buttons with the orange lines between them (what's behind the broken cross basically).
<table width="450" height="700" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" background="">
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Givaways here.<br />
Givaways here.<br />
Givaways here.<br />
Givaways here.<br />
Givaways here.<br />
Givaways here.<br />
Givaways here.<br />
Givaways here.<br />
Givaways here.<br />
Givaways here.<br />
Givaways here.<br />
Givaways here.<br />
Givaways here.<br />
Givaways here.<br />
Givaways here.<br />
Givaways here.<br />
Givaways here.<br />
Givaways here.<br />
Givaways here.<br />
Givaways here.<br />
Givaways here.<br />
Givaways here.<br />
Givaways here.<br />
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<td colspan="4" width="277"><div style="width: 277px; height: 148px; overflow: auto;">
News here.<br />
News here.<br />
News here.<br />
News here.<br />
News here.<br />
News here.<br />
News here.<br />
News here.<br />
News here.<br />
News here.<br />
News here.<br />
News here.<br />
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Links here.<br />
Links here.<br />
Links here.<br />
Links here.<br />
Links here.<br />
Links here.<br />
Links here.<br />
Links here.<br />
Links here.<br />
Links here.<br />
Links here.<br />
Links here.<br />
<td rowspan="2" width="10"></td>
<td rowspan="2" width="130"><div style="width: 130px; height: 131px; overflow: auto;">
Council here.<br />
Council here.<br />
Council here.<br />
Council here.<br />
Council here.<br />
Council here.<br />
Council here.<br />
Council here.<br />
Council here.<br />
Council here.<br />
Council here.<br />
Council here.<br />
Council here.<br />
Council here.<br />
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